Chapter 126: Longing Chulian

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"This prince would like to hand a marriage to your eldest di, Yu Heng." Xiang Zihui casually said as he sipped at his tea with great confidence.

"Your Highness, this servant have agreed to marry Ah Heng with the second prince." Minister Yu still have the cold look on his face, he certainly must never lose to a young man.

"Oh." he let out a chuckle, causing Minister Yu to shiver. "If this prince gift this to Prince Xiang Se at their wedding night, will your daughter live a normal life afterwards?"

A shadow guard appeared at Xiang Zihui and Jiang Yi Huai's side, holding a wooden box and presenting it to Minister Yu. He was reluctant to open the box but when he lifted the lid, Minister Yu's face darkened. A white sheet of fabric is inside, red blood stained its center part.


"That? Its from your daughter. Has Minister Yu guessed?" Xiang Zihui is implying who took Yu Heng's chastity. The Minister isnt stupid, he knew the culprit behind it! It was no other than Nian Feng.

Minister Yu have a raging anger inside him. If he still continue marrying Yu Heng off to the second prince, then her life will be hard! There is also a possibility Yu Heng will become a deposed empress if Xiang Se succeeds in usurping the throne, that prince is cunning and arrogant. Who knows if he will cause the Yu Family's demise in the future.

"Why wont we make a deal? Marry her off to this prince instead."

"Huh?" Minister Yu is stunned, he have never heard of a man willfully marrying an impure woman! He have considered it already, if Xiang Zihui wed Yu Heng, then she will become the empress since Minister Yu will support them both.

"Minister Yu, this prince knows how to show gratitude. Might as well, grant safety." he set his cup down, Xiang Zihui is sure the old man wont say no.

Winter Banquet came by, nobles of second to first rank were allowed to participate. Yun Ren Xie fiddled with her handkerchief as she sat inside the carriage obediently. She dare not make a sound, that damn Xiang Zihui!

Opposite her seat, Nian Feng would occasionally glance at the girl. His master, Xiang Zihui asked him to watch over the girl. He never knew her name since Xiang Zihui didnt mention it. What Nian Feng know is that, the girl was blind.

"General, we've arrived." his pageboy spoke and lifted the curtain.

Nian Feng nodded and dismissed the servant. He coughed twice before going towards the girl's direction. "Miss... This servant will guide you." using his polite tone, the girl slowly raised her head.

He have never seen such beauty before, all the time the girl kept her head lowered and he havent got a chance to catch a glimpse. Nian Feng have lots of concubines but they are not as pure and alluring like the girl before him. As for his beloved Yu Heng, she is more of a seductive type of woman.

"En! Sir Nian can call me Ah Lian!" she reached her hand out and held unto Nian Feng's sleeve.

This girl... She is too polite. Nian Feng thought but quickly collected himself and guided her down.

"General Nian has arrived!" a eunuch announced his presense and the nobles glanced at their side. Shocked as they were, who is the girl behind him? She is too beautiful and General Nian Feng is handsome too! Arent they a match made from heaven?

Just as Yun Ren Xie and Nian Feng reached the banquet hall, they heard an uproar inside.

"Zhen is quite thoughtful of Minister Yu, you have such beautiful and talented daughter. This One's youngest brother havent found a consort yet so Zhen grants permission for both of them to marry." Emperor Yu sat at his dragon throne with pure authority, this made the officials gossip about the matter.

Prince Xiang Se who is seated nearby Xiang Zihui, gritted his teeth. What happened to Minister Yu's promise?! Why is Yu Heng being bethrothed to Xiang Zihui?!

Yu Heng is now flustered, she wanted to object when her mother forced her to sit down. "Ah Heng, losing your chastity to that man is rather disappointing. Show your gratitude to the Crown Prince later. With just one order from him, your image and our family will be tainted!" her mother coldly said, she can see the fear in Yu Heng's eyes.

They knew?! She gritted her teeth, why? Why is this happening? She loved Nian Feng yet that prince came in between! Her heart ached too much as she silently cried inside. Yu Heng found the courage to steal a glance at Xiang Zihui, fear crept her heart when she saw him looking at her with indifference. They have been friends since young, Yu Heng have never seen him look at her like that.

Meanwhile, Nian Feng is frozen in place, an immense amount of grief filled his heart. With such great pain, he left the place and forgotten Zhao Chulian.

"Sir Nian?" she called out but no one answered. "Senior System? Can you help me find him? Otherwise, Im sure Xiang Zihui will make him suffer if I got lost." taking Yu Heng's chastity is already a grave crime that Nian Feng did, he have the task to watch over Zhao Chulian. If she gets lost, Nian Feng's life is in stake! The male lead of course shouldnt die!

"En." System have been sleeping since she transmigrated, he is only waiting for her cry of help. With a flick of his finger, Zhao Chulian was transported in front of a garden.

The moon's pale coat of light is quite alluring. There are few pavilions around, snow lies everywhere too. A man remained alone in the center of the pavilion, jugs of wine were on top of the table as he indulge himself within.

Where is he? Yun Ren Xie have a hard time walking in the dark, she accidentally tripped over a small tree root making her stumble.

"Wa!" she cried, her little white hands were bruised as she tried to avoid falling over. Nian Feng heard the noise and glanced at her direction, only then did he remember the girl Xiang Zihui entrusted him!

"Ah Lian." he stood up with difficulty, Nian Feng tried his best to suppress his dizziness.

"It hurts! It hurts! Wuwuwu!" Yun Ren Xie rubbed her eyes, it does truly hurts! The body of Chulian is really fragile, ah.

"Im sorry. I shouldnt have left you there." Nian Feng slowly held her hands to let her stand. "There are snow here. Its cold." he guided her inside the pavilion.

Nian Feng is a responsible man after all, he drew closer to her and blew soft breeze at the girl's hands. They were close which made her stop the sobbings, Yun Ren Xie can smell the reek of wine. It was inevitably...

"Sir Nian, you smell sweet."

The man stopped blowing her fair hands, he furrowed his brows and stared at her. Nian Feng have noticed Ah Lian's unique attitude, more like childish. It cant be that she is.... A retard? But why does Prince Zihui place so much concern about this girl?

"That...." he doesnt know how to react. Summing his courage up, he raised his head and stared at the girl. It was for the first time he'd seen such pure limpid pair of eyes.

Yun Ren Xie have no idea that the male lead is staring at her for a long time already, she have no clue and her face full of confusion. Why isnt he letting go of her hands?

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