Chapter 4: The Emperor and I

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"Then miss, can you tell me if you have seen something yesterday? Which family are you? "

Li Si's questioning made Yun Ren Xie ponder. Did Fang Ye Xue witnessed something? She stood up and their distance was just three feet far.

"Yesterday? Prime Minister Li, I cant remember anything that happened yesterday. And for my family, this one's ancestral name is Fang, named as Ye Xue. " Yun Ren Xie tried to bow but her back hurts that she fell accidentally. One sentence processed in her mind, Im so stupid to embarrass myself!

She closed her eyes and expected to fall but she felt a strong arm stretch in front of her and grabbed her shoulder. Yun Ren Xie was really cursing in one breath inside her mind. This guy is not ordinary! She gave the description about Li Si in her manhua, a thirty year old cousin of her fl, considered a sly fox, good at martial arts, and cruel but the Emperor was said to be more cruel than him.

If this guy tried to harm her, when she go back to the real world, she will animate him and make his life full of hardship! After all, she can be considered their goddess for creating them.

But something made Yun Ren Xie puzzled, why is Li Si younger here and seems to only looks like nineteen?!

She opened her eyes and when she saw Li Si grabbing her shoulder, she quickly stepped back and was about to give another apologetic kowtow when Li Si held her arms. She dare not look because he is releasing such scary aura that filled the room. Yun Ren Xie wants to stab him for grabbing her arms tightly but she cant, this guy is one of her targets. "Uhm, P-Prime Minister-"

"Say, are you doing it delibirately? "

Yun Ren Xie was dumbfounded. Doing what? Tripping and embarrassing oneself like a fool? Does he think she wanted it? Her back aches kind sir!

Her eyes twitched in anger while her hand trembled and balled to fists, her anger have rised hundred folds! Hold me if you want to let him live!

"Master, General Fang arrived and requested for audience!" Gu Ling appeared behind Li Si. Shadow guards are sometimes like ghosts, appearing out of nowhere.

"Fang? " Li Si glanced at Yun Ren Xie that was biting her lip. He thought two reasons why she was trembling. First, she was faking her identity as one of the Fang family and is going to be busted. Second, she was fearing that Li Si will kill her for the failed seduction. But none of these were true. Yun Ren Xie was trembling in extreme anger. She was already planning for revenge.

Do this man even know that the General's mansion have an only daughter pampered by the whole family?  Maybe the General Fang made her identity secret all the time and no one outside the Fang familiy even knew that the First Wife have given birth to a girl. If Li Si were to ask about the general having a daughter, will he answer the truth or lie? That old man Fang Wang Zhen should tell the truth! How could the Prime Minister know about him having a daughter?

"Well, your life will depend on that old fogy, Fang Wang Zhen." Li Si's smile have two sides, the carefree and warning.

He let go of Yun Ren Xie. Both of the two men were out of the room. Silence conquered everywhere. But she knew, if that man took her as a liar and good-for-nothing little missy, he will assign some hidden guards to watch her step and not try to escape. Seriously? What did Fang Ye Xue saw before she transmigrated?

She sighed, only Yun Ren Xie knows how  easy her life be taken by that two sided Prime Minister. She stepped outside the room, never expecting the breath taking sight. A man made lotus pond with golden koi wandering about the water. The lotus that fully bloomed seems unusual, it flaunted its white and blue petals.

There was also a tree blossoming countless pink petals and some were swinging towards the pond. Breathtaking, truly. She sat on the stone carved bench and stretched her arms, her eyes were wide open in an awe expression. Slowly, small petals were gently landing on her open palm as if they voluntarily gave their respect by falling to her hands. Yun Ren Xie was not a gentle woman after all, she clenched her fist and none of the petals were spared.

"Soon enough, I'll finish this mission. Those three idiots will fall to my hands willingly like these lifeless petals." opening her hand, the petals were undoubtly crushed. She started to ponder, what was the third mission? Is the reward only reviving her own female lead? When will she meet Li Feng Qi again?

On the other courtyard, a tree hanging low with strong branches and thick leaves, a man in all black outfit with his dark onyx eyes stared at her while sitting on a branch. Although he have good martial arts, he cant hear what the girl said. Resting his back on the trunk, he felt sleepy for he has been beheading assassin's yesterday since at noon until midnight.

Yes, that's when they met the girl in white and bloody skirt. Li Si and him along with the other ten shadow guards have fought for their lives on the way to the border. Someone sent twelve specialty soldiers to kill the right prime minister. It was soon dark and two soldiers were only left out of twelve. Suddenly, one of them ran and Li Si showed his grim smile. His master ran and chased after the specialty soldier. Gu Ling have known his master's temparament. Li Si loves to torture a person to death, slowly making them regret living in this world.

He stopped the other shadow guards in following Li Si and they quickly killed the left specialty soldiers. They all stood there quietly and waited for their master's arrival. Surprisingly, Li Si returned quickly and what shocked them more was, he is carrying a girl in wet clothes with blood stains. Even in a messy hair and wet clothes, the girl have such beauty. Long lashes, phoenix eyes, thin pink lips, perfect nose and white jade skin. Gu Ling was captivated but he urged himself not to show any affection.

"Gu Ling, call the phsysician and someone needs to get the carriage ready." Li Si ordered without removing his glance towards the girl in his arms.

"Yes master. Someone, carry the girl." Gu Ling spoke but Li Si stopped any of them take the girl.

"I'll carry her. This little belle needs to be watched by me."

Li Si left and went towards the carriage.

"Gosh! Am I seeing things? "

"Master is carrying a girl!"

"Its not like the first time!"

"Yes but... not in that way of affectionate gaze. Master despises woman. Its because of that troublesome First Wife!"

Upon hearing their conversation, Gu Ling sent them a deadly glance and released murdering intent that paralized the shadow guards.

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