Chapter 74: Little Sun

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"En, this flute is quite pretty." Yun Ren Xie settled the flute on her lap while caressing it carefully. She doesnt know if Seimei have woke up or not.

Before she could even stand up, a gentle breeze went to her way towards the blossoms. Beautiful white petals hovered around her and she cant help but smile at its alluring nature.

She knew Seimei is nearby and he casted the wind that made contact with the tree. Standing up and dusting herself, Yun Ren Xie remembered the flute was Seimei's, knowing that guy's attitude, she flinched.

Glancing sideways, she sighed he isnt that near her. She went to the room and is about to place the flute back when she saw an empty hole within it, assuming it was for a tassel.

Yun Ren Xie took the flute with her and sat in front of a table. She materialized  a blue string and started weaving, with her mediocre knowledge in making it, she finished a three petal tassel while adding a pearl to hold its base. Two blue feathery strings were left dangling at the end of it.

"That's better." she smiled and let the flute rest on top of the table, easier to spot for Seimei.

After she left the yard, Seimei have been watching her all the time behind her where he hid his presence.

He stared at the blue tassel before standing up and calling a servant for his bathe. Seimei has been working under the Emperor with his master, Kamo no Yasunori. Each day, he is required for attending the palace and guard the royal family away from onis.

But because Chisona Taiyo is unconscious for a week, he only stayed inside the estate. He just received a letter previously from Yasunori, saying he must visit the Abe Temple of his family since his father, Abe Yasuna has arrived.

Seimei reminisced the past when he was just a child, if not for his father protecting him, he would have died inside the Abe clan. Everyone in his family treated him like a lowly person they can insult and injure at any time. But with Yasuna that always gave him enough care and attention, he was satisfied.

After five years of living in the Abe clan, he was sent by Yasuna to the Abe temple to be a disciple of Yasunori. He learned soon that Yasuna was inside the demon realm for a mission. If his father is not beside him, then he would have suffered once more.

Unexpectedly, he met a kitsune being held inside the prison. After proving Bijin's innocence at her case of murder, she started to follow him. Gladly, after his downfall, Chisona Taiyo appeared before him.

She gave him a chance of revival and hope. Seimei stopped putting his handgloves and glanced at his side where his servant is handing the flute. He is about to complete his ambition to step over those who looked down on him in the past.

"One condition after you get strong."

He was curious as to what will she ask for him to comply. Seimei left the estate without taking a visit to Chisona Taiyo. Once he arrived at the Abe temple, his clansmen were looking at him with respect. The elders went to him for a greetings yet he only welcomed them with his aloof attitude.

"Elders! The portal have opened."

They all turned at the altar where a ray of red light flashed and a man within his forties stood before them. His clothes were similar to all onmyojis but a scar can be seen that covered the other side of his face until it reaches his neck.

"Master Yasuna!" they all greeted and bowed.

"Father, Im glad your back." Seimei stepped in front and Yasuna glanced at him.

"Son?!" he quickly pulled Seimei in his arms before patting his back gently. "My, you've grown a lot Seimei. Look at you, you almost looked the same with your mother." Yasuna smiled, he have seen Hana Shiroi after meddling with Yasunori's memories.

"How have you been lately? Come, talk with father." Yasuna warmly said, the Abe clansmen were envious towards Seimei. Their master is too doting towards his son that he have forgotten about their existence.

"Father, why is there a scar..." Seimei started as they seated down at the guest hall where a small banquet is being held.

Yasuna sighed before facing his foster son, "The demon emperors around that realm were too hard to deal with than the one's inside this human realm. I fought with a cat demon emperor who can control the divine fire. Quite dangerous."

Cat demon emperor?

"How are you here then? Did Yasunori taught you well?"

"Master have been secluded for eleven years and I havent seen him yet. Also, father, is it right for me to have a foster sister?"

"Foster sister?!" Yasuna nearly spat his wine. This child have grown with Yasunori who he knew is allergic to women, how come Seimei grew up caring for a sister?

Seimei summarized the events in his two years. Yasuna was shocked beyond belief, his son just met the famous Emperor Fuyu of the Northern kitsune kingdom where the most powerful demons lies and peace is around that kingdom. What's more, Seimei is calling someone Senior Sister who taught him the best skills in dispersing evil. Ha can even take down demon lords and emperors with bit efforts!

However, Seimei did not mention that she is a cat demon, only telling she is from an onmyoji clan.

"Son, is this senior sister of yours pretty?" Yasuna sneered, who could have thought Seimei would mention a girl.

A slight smile formed in Seimei's lips, he havent noticed it but Yasuna did. "Senior Sister..... is like a snow fox fairy. Cold, smart and scheming but beautiful."

"If you say so. I would like to meet this Senior Sister you mentioned." Yasuna laughed. Ever since he adopted Seimei as his son, he casted away the thought Seimei isnt his own flesh and blood.

"Where did he go?" Yun Ren Xie asked her maids as she flipped through the book The Way of Yin and Yang.

"Young Master Seimei went to the Abe Temple to meet his father. Does Princess Takana wish to go?"

"No need. I'll just wait for him."

In truth, she felt worried. Yasuna came back, Yasunori will surely appear. Reminiscing through Chisona Taiyo's memories, Seimei and Yasunori does look a bit identical than Yasuna. She was afraid that her foster brother will find out the truth soon.

Chisona Taiyo being believed to have killed Hana Shiroi, wont Seimei go berserk towards her?

Standing in front of the estate, she have grown tired and fell asleep while sitting at the stairs and leaned at the wooden pillar for support.

Unfortunately, Yasunori, Yasuna and Seimei arrived. Yasuna being the drunk person, blurted his thoughts. "Such a pretty lady over there. Seimei, dont tell us you've been married?" he teased.

"I have no plans in marrying anyone, father." Seimei shakes his head.

He took a gander at the young looking lady nearby, it was for sure his Senior Sister. But what is she doing outside? Is she waiting for him?

Seimei carried her in his arms before Yasunori knocked at the gate. The three of them entered but Seimei took Chisona Taiyo at her chamber. After making her lay on the bed, he is about to leave when she tugged at his sleeves.

"Fuyu, dont leave me yet...."

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