Chapter 150: The Truth

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Arc 1: Dear Empress, you should compensate Zhen in the next lifetime

Arc 2: Even for thousand years, thousand sufferings, I will always wait for you

Arc 3: What I know, I dont regret loving you in this lifetime

Arc 4: I will always love you
Yun Ren Xie found herself back in the modern room, she is laying comfortably on the white couch. The pain in her heart didnt diminish a bit as she kept recalling everything.

"Your awake." a deep voice came from behind her, she is confused why it sounds familiar. Her Senior System had a mechanical voice, just who?

She sat upright and turned behind. "Jiang Yi Huai?!" Yun Ren Xie nearly jumped in fright. The man behind her were similar to Jiang Yi Huai, he is wearing a gold regal brocade that matched his yellow iris while his hair is tied up by a dark headpiece yet it still reached his waist.

"Host, the deal is settled. This is the real me however, Jiang Yi Huai..... He is just one of my reincarnations in the mortal world." he walked forth but Yun Ren Xie shrank back on the couch, she is hugging a pillow tightly in front of her. "You...." System froze on his spot before sighing helplessly.

"Ah? Jiang Yi Huai is your reincarnation? Then, then do you know what azure flames is? Underworld and Jade Emperor?" she fired questions after questions, her red iris were full of confusions.

"He is. However, I drank the soup of oblivion that I cant remember anything. But ever since Host is handed to me, there are some recollection I can remember." System sat on the couch with his arms resting on top of his knee. "The underworld is where soul go after dying. It is where they reincarnate but one must drink a bowl of oblivion soup to forget everything. Jade Emperor is my father, he make sure the world is at peace and balance the rules in Heaven and here in the mortal world. As for what azure flames are, I dont remember."

"Your father is a ruler in Heaven? Goodness! Does than mean your a prince?" she slowly raised her head and rested her chin on the white pillow.

"En. There are 36 celestial skies in Heaven and each had their own royalty. It just happened Im one of them, there are hundred immortal prince and princesses." he tilted his head before glancing at her.

"Should I... Should I bow to you then?" Yun Ren Xie asked but she got weird look from System, as if saying she is stupid. "Anyway, why are you here? And why is that you have a reincarnation in my own plane?"

"God of Fate placed me here in this transmigration cycle to wait for my ninth brother. Host, to tell you the truth, I remember one of my past lifetime. Back in the Underworld, I turned my soul to half and reincarnated, Li Si had been me. And Im pretty sure Jiang Yi Huai is my other half. However, my life as Li Si, I met someone called Fang Ye Xue. Me and my ninth brother fought over her and she looked exactly like Host."


"Ying Zheng and Xiang Zihui, they are one. My ninth brother copied what I did and turned his soul to half. To answer Host's last question, it seemed that Fang Ye Xue and Zhao Chulian were also your past lifetimes. You created a manhua and novel that replicated the memories you had forgotten after reincarnation. To sum it up, Host is travelling back to her past but its not the same anymore. You made changes in the first transmigration and seduced Ying Zheng which never happened in my lifetime as Li Si. You as Zhao Chulian had done the deed with Xiang Zihui which never trully happened according to the novel. And you did not die in his hands the very same year."

Yun Ren Xie knitted her brows at the infromations she got. It was hard to digest and process as her gaze on System went sharp.

"Earlier, I contacted Baoshi and asked the other world Host created and there is another replica of Host's past lifetime. The first manhua Host created, that is one of your lifetime. I cant tell much, so Host should figure out the truth yourself. There are mortal or immortals who had consumed the oblivion soup, some can subconsciously express their forgotten lifetime in creating stories or painting unfamiliar people. It just happened Host had created two duplicates of your past, Fang Ye Xue and Zhao Chulian is Host."

"While you as Li Si and Jiang Yi Huai are one. Ying Zheng and Xiang Zihui...." she trailed off, so that is why when she left Ying Zheng, there is a feeling of great guilt and remorse! "Then what about Xiao Bai Xue? Soma Katsu and Chisona Taiyo?"

"They arent Host."

"But Xiao Bai Xue almost had the same face as me."

"I overlooked Xiao Bai Xue's past lifetime and she isnt Host, rather, she is Bai Dongji. It just happened Host is immortal Bai Xue Wangji in your first manhua, Bai Xue Wangji and Bai Dongji were sisters."

"That world is also my past? How come?"

"The one who had written that novel is a mortal but that mortal is like Host, subconsciously writing her past lifetime." System stood up when the place suddenly changed to a dark void, there is a door ahead them. "Host, its time to return in Baoshi's side."

"Wait, what is your name? Who is your ninth brother? Also, what sort of immortal am I?"

"Seventh Prince Shen Jin and my ninth brother is Son of Heaven Liang Zise. As for who is Host, I dont recall. However, I must warn Host. There is someone who infiltrated the second world of dispute. She is waiting for Host's arrival. Be careful." System smiled gently, it was the same as Jiang Yi Huai's playful expression. Before Yun Ren Xie can ask for more, the light blinded her.

Tap, tap, tap.

The sound of boots resounded inside the imperial palace. Xiang Se gripped at the sword in his hands while staring on the door before him. For five years in his ruling at Chu States, his own kingdom was being devoured by Qin State slowly. He had dispatched armies after armies but they all ended up dying in the battlefield. What's more, they said his eleventh uncle is leading the army of Qin State! And now, Shouchun is the last city standing but he had caught a wind that Qin State army had broken through.

The door creaked open but no one came inside. He stood there still waiting. The window opened in force as a dagger flew towards Xiang Se. It pierced through his chest as he staggered back until he hit the wall.

A man in golden armor stepped inside while holding a sword. His purple iris emits coldness as he released killing intent.

"I came here to take your life as a compensation for Ah Lian. Any last words?" he said and raised the sword, Xiang Se did not move. He is weak from the blood loss, the sharp blade is about to penetrate on his throat when he laughed in dark amusement.

"Xiang Zihui, hahaha!" he continued to chuckle as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. "You should have seen how Zhao Xueye cried. You should have heard her stifled sobs! Pity, I had Zhao Xueye serve me before she died!"

Xiang Zihui's hand trembled in anger, he didnt say a word and beheaded Xiang Se in one slash of his sword. Afterwards, he went to the topmost floor of the palace.

"Chu State had been conquered! The unruly emperor Xiang Se is now dead!" he used internal energies to proclaim victory, the thousand soldiers of Qin State roared in glee. Xiang Zihui threw the head of Xiang Se, he then gazed upward. Its been five years since she left him and in those five years, he vented all his anger in slowly devouring the lands of Chu States.

From the balcony where Xiang Zihui stood, the cool breeze of winter went past him, carrying a single petal of wisteria. "Ah Lian, wait for me."

                                   Book 1 Ended
This is Author Li, Yi Ben Shu is now finished! Thank you for reading my book!

Is there anyone here who is fourteen? Congratulations, we have the very same age and you should know writing such kissing scene especially in chapter 149 (blush), its quite hard!!!! My parents are going to kill me once they find that out....

Anyways, Yi Ben Shu will undergo heavy editing for grammars and I need to change second male lead's name, Yun Ren Xie's forgotten lover. There are also missing parts I need to comply. Author Li will post an announcement once Er Ben Shu (Second Book) is published and Im planning to update thirty chapters in that book.

This story will really have lots of confusing part cause there are more secrets to reveal. As for what sort of immortal Xie'er is, she will discover that after the last arc. That is why I entitled this book Romance of Oblivion cause she had forgotten her past romantic lifetimes (or either tragic reincarnations) after reincarnating. And in those Past Lifetimes were tragic love stories. The question is, in the replica she subconsciously created from her forgotten past, why is it that her fate revolves with Shen Jin and Liang Zise?

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