Chapter 106: Your Shifu is Not a Gay

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"Ah, Shifu, why didnt you tell me we have guests? Quickly! Baise, An jiejie, come inside and have a sit on the pavilion. I'll go make some tea." Yun Ren Xie have her weird smile once more as she left the place in a hurry. She must make effort and take advantage of this rare opportunity!

Shen Xian Hua never speak the whole time while leading Ding An and Baise towards the pavilion. A pot of tea and two jade cups were neatly set on top of the table. He leisurely filled his cup and Ding An's before taking a sip.

"Why did you do that?" Baise straightforwardly asked, she showed her sharp teeths to appear strong in front of a celestial.

His lips curved upward for a bit when he stared at Baise, this made the nine tailed fox fear him. Their level is huge that he is almost an immortal while Baise is still an insignificant beast, what rights does she have to question him?

"Long- No. Sect Leader Hua, have you heard what I said days ago?" Ding An is really eager to ask him, she firstly have taken a liking to the famous leader of Azure Immortal Sect but upon seeing the beast that night turning into a deity like person, she kept on thinking of him and her heart only beats for him. Isnt it love at first sight?

Ding An wanted to know, she just spoke all her thoughts to Xiao Bai Xue when they attended the competition but she have no clue Long Hua is Sect Leader Hua! How shameful it is!

"Did." he replied shortly but dare not look straight in her eyes. "Second Beauty An, its just a mild infatuation but let this One tell you." Shen Xian Hua set the cup of tea on the table, its crisp noise resounded in the area.

"I have set my eyes on someone else already. Apology for hurting you." he simply said before rising, Shen Xian Hua stepped out of pavilion but he didnt expect for the girl to grip his hand.

"S-Sect Leader Hua, I may be foolish but please let me show my real feelings for you! Please dont reject me like this!" Ding An held her tears, it was for the first time she is being weak and the cause of it was no other than a man. A man who she have fallen to but she knew the meanings behind his words. Shen Xian Hua meant to say Ding An should take a turn already to avoid being hurt more and more. He went straight to the point which caused her extreme sorrow.

Shen Xian Hua did not speak, he calmly looked at her. What Baise told him is right. Ding An is still naive.

"Master! You should not act recklessly!" Baise warned while pleading at her, she never thought Ding An would be impulsive! If she anger Shen Xian Hua, he only needs to lift a finger and they would be both dead!

"Im sorry." Ding An reluctantly removed her hands away, she moved back and ran. It was stupid of her to fell in love over a man who is hopelessly cold!

Yun Ren Xie was humming a song sweetly while holding the basket of lotus confection for the guests when she suddenly heard Baise shout. She fastened her pace and eventually found an unexpected scene.

Ding An is about to leave the place where she glanced at Shen Xian Hua for one last time, she regretted it later on realizing who he is looking at. The man simply stared at Xiao Bai Xue with full affection which pained her heart more. Her tears strolled down from her delicate face and fled.

"An jiejie!" Yun Ren Xie shouted but her guests have left already. She was curious how her Shifu made Ding An cry in their first meeting!

"Shifu! Why did you make her cry?" with a glare, Yun Ren Xie placed the basket of confection in her ring before chasing after Ding An. "An jiejie! Wait!"

Outside the inn, Yun Ren Xie saw Baise's tail in a crowded place and she is about to follow them when Jin Heise appeared in front of her.

"You seem to be in a hurry. Is there something urgent?" he asked with conscern while holding Xiao Bai Xue's arms.

"Senior Brother, I dont have time today! Please excuse Xue'er!" she gently pushed him aside and rushed after Ding An.

At a corner of the street, Honglian watched how Jin Heise and Xiao Bai Xue interacted.

"Have you seen enough? They were too intimate, not in a friendly way but more like a lover!" the girl in dark veil spoke loudly, Honglian tried to calm herself. "Dear, you should not control your anger. Is it not enough? She seduced your master, she keeps her Shifu as her man and now, even the person you desired. Xiao Bai Xue is not as clean and humble as you thought!"

"Shut up!" Honglian draw her dagger out from her interspatial ring and made a swift move. The girl's veil were cut and Honglian clearly injured her small face.

"Well, that hurts." the girl said and her injury quickly healed, she stared at Honglian with calmness.

"Who..... Who are you?" Honglian was bewildered, the girl in front of her have something only Long Youya has. It was a pair of peach blossom eyes that only the dark dragon clan can possess!

"Me? Just a passerby. But let me warn you for the last time, Xiao Bai Xue needs to die or you will fail!" the girl said with a ferocious stare, she held out a small crystal ball and showed it to Honglian.

The ball reflected something, Honglian watched the scene inside which caused her heart to shudder in fear. A war is bound to happen, Azure Immortal Sect is fighting against Moon Jade Sect and Palace Warriors!

"This is caused by Xiao Bai Xue within this year and the way to prevent it is to kill her."

Yun Ren Xie chased at Ding An and finally, the girl stopped running inside the secluded forest.

"An jiejie! What happened?" she asked while gasping for air.

Ding An did not speak, she wiped her tears hastily before sparing a glance at Xiao Bai Xue.

"Your Shifu did! He hurt Master too much!" Baise let her oppressive aura surround Yun Ren Xie, she is really angry!

Xiao Bai Xue's cultivation level cant counter a divine beast's, this made her collapse on the ground but a pair of hands helped her stand up.

"Baise! Dont do that! Its not Xue meimei's fault!" Ding An held Xiao Bai Xue's body close to her's, she knew the girl is weakened at that suppression.

"An jiejie, did Shifu made you cry? I'm sorry."

Ding An glanced at the girl in her arms, she never thought Shen Xian Hua have taken a liking at his disciple but even if Ding An wanted to break them apart, Xiao Bai Xue is just an innocent person. She cant afford to hurt her too. The girl even gave her hundred precious ice lotuses which will be a great help for Ding An in the future. She is forever greatful to Xiao Bai Xue.

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