Chapter 139: Longing Chulian

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Another day passed, Yun Ren Xie sat iddly on the divan. She is reading a huaben, a set of tea is on top of the golden table as dozens of maidservants were catering her needs. Her gaze swept to the snow covered garden with wisteria petals placed in each place. She adore wisteria flower even in her original world, that is where she met her first love, under its blossomg shade. However, the man's image is blurry.

"Concubine Mu!"

"Mistress! Please dont go inside!"

"Concubine Mu, its forbidden to enter the palace!"

"Concubine Mu, the future empress is inside!"

"Please dont lool for trouble!"

The tranquility Yun Ren Xie is enjoying started to vanish as a woman in white brocade stepped in, her cheeks were high and a wave of arrogant aura is spreading. Yun Ren Xie snorted and continued to read the book, if this concubine is still the same as Imperial Concubine Zhao back then, she have no free time to bend her bow or drag a sword out.

"You!" Concubine Mu is speechless, she is respected everywhere she goes and the child of the emperor is inside her, how come a girl without any title dares to ignore her presence?!

"Why wont you bow down? Im His Majesty's favored concubine!"

"Dont care."

"Disrespectful wench!"

"Dont care."

"You dare to put up an attitude?!"

"Dont care."

Yun Ren Xie yawned and closed the huaben in her hand. She then eyed at Concubine Mu with a sly smile. "Favored or not. Whether you have Wuming's child, I wont care. Leave or I'll use force."

Concubine Mu is fuming with anger but the maidservants around them can only lower their head. She had enough and that smile of her is too irritating, Concubine Mu stepped forward and slapped Zhao Chulian directly.

The girl slowly turned at her with burning cheeks. Yun Ren Xie have no time to argue and returned two slaps, her long nails even scratched Concubine Mu's face. "Without beauty, will His Majesty favor you?" she laughed mockingly before turning away.

Concubine Mu had enough, her wish to have a perfect life and gain the empress title have been snatched by an unknown girl. The palace she wanted to live in, were given to another woman!

Mu Rong pounced at Zhao Chulian and grabbed the arms but Yun Ren Xie is angered at this. She have given this concubine with two slaps yet still wont stop? Yun Ren Xie pulled her arm back but her force is too much that Concubine Mu  staggered back. Her stomach hits the golden table which shocked all thr servants. They should have stopped their mistresses earlier!

Concubine Mu's eyes widened when a surge of pain enveloped her lower body, her hands trembled as she touched her abdomen. Even Yun Ren Xie is stupefied that she froze in place, the blood dyed the white hanfu to red.

"My.... My child.... No! No!" Concubine Mu cried and dropped on the cold grounds, the maids swarmed over and caoxed her while others went out to call a physician. "Its you! Its all because of you! Murderer!" she pointed at Zhao Chulian with trembling finger.

Yun Ren Xie did not speak as she reasoned out in her thought, it was an accident! If Concubine Mu hadnt tried to hurt her, she wouldnt have retaliated! However, there was a life in this chaos that is lost which made her feel an extreme guilt. What's more, it was Ying Zheng's unborn child....

"You killed my child!" Concubine Mu screamed, she wanted to get up and pull that bitch' hair! Her child is gone, her face is ruined, her life is severed, it was all because of that girl!

"Mu Rong!" a man rushed inside Snow Lotus Palace, wearing the dragon robe and hair is tied by a coronet while its ends were dangling. His face turned pale as he held the weak Concubine Mu. "What happened?!" Ying Zheng asked with great anger in his tone, this was his child. He gazed at the frozen Zhao Chulian, how Ying Zheng hoped it wasnt caused by her.

"She pushed me, she tried to kill me and my child!" Concubine Mu cried in his arms, she let her tears stream in anguish.

"Zhao.... Zhao Chulian..." he stared at the pair of red iris, guilt were inside them.

"I didnt." Yun Ren Xie's throat choked, will he blame her? If that so, she can accept the punishment. After all, this wouldnt have happened if she just ignored the concubine.

"Liar! You murderer!"

"If you see me as that, I still wont care! Im not fit in here then I'll just leave!" she glared at the concubine before turning and rushed at the palace, her complexion paled when pain started to rush in her head. Yun Ren Xie locked herself in her room while preventing her screams.

Ying Zheng dazedly stared at the closed door of the palace, he wanted to rush in and talk with her to settle things but Concubine Mu needs him now. His second child is gone and it was Zhao Chulian who is behind it, he refused to listen with the officials' complain that he needs to remove her from his harem.

After Concubine Mu fainted and a physician checked on her, Ying Zheng returned to the palace. He stood outside its gate while holding something precious, a hairpin with red ruby inlays. Summing his courage, the guards opened the gate for him and he entered Snow Lotus Palace.

Yun Ren Xie woken up that night, the pain finally receded. Senior System told her that her head injury is finally cured. She wanted to rejoice but its not the time yet.

Her door suddenly opened and Ying Zheng stood there, refusing to have another step. "Come inside if you wish." she simply said and went to her desk, Yun Ren Xie grabbed a pot and poured honey water on her cup before drinking it. The pain made her feel numb and she needs refreshment.

Ying Zheng didnt speak, he stood behind her back and held her other hand. Yun Ren Xie observed his movements as a warm object was placed in her grasp, a golden hairpin with plum blossom carved ruby designs was given by him.

"Zhao Chulian, Im sorry. I shouldnt have blamed you this morning. Please, please dont leave me yet." his voice is hoarse as Ying Zheng hugged her from behind, he rested his chin on her shoulder.

Yun Ren Xie sighed deeply and placed the hairpin back between his clasped hand. She have Xiang Zihui in her heart already, why accept another man's love? Yun Ren Xie wanted to leave, her desire to meet Xiang Zihui grew each passing day but Ying Zheng still rejected her to depart. If she mention it to Ying Zheng again, she doesnt know what will happen. There are only the two of them inside this room and this is Ying Zheng's den, a forced love can only happen.

Her silence pricked Ying Zheng's heart, her voiceless refusal is evident. "Be my empress, I will cherish you with all my heart. I can protect you from them, these harem will come to an end and you'd be my only wife, the only mistress of Qin State."

Before Yun Ren Xie can even speak, they heard a loud crash on the side and the window in her room opened with force.
Next chapter next week! Book 1 is about to end after ten chapters, enjoy😁

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