Chapter 61: Little Sun

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Fuyu flashed a devious grin before rushing at Seimei, aiming to cut him directly. The onmyoji used his greatest spells to seal and attack Fuyu but a month of training is not enough to stop him.

They continued on their violent attacks and Seimei is at the disadvantageous position. What can a measly month of training do against nine years of harsh practices?

He received the heaviest blow but Fuyu only got scratches yet he can tell all Seimei's assaults were top notch.

Fuyu and Seimei rushed at each other with their highest ability when a frail cat demon glared at both of them as she used a whip to hurt their chest. They decided to dodge but as if the whip have eyes, it still caught them at their chest, tearing their cloth while revealing their pale skin as red blood bloomed from the sharp whip's violwnt stroke.

"Dare fight Seimei without my consent, I will take him with me and leave this place!" she warned Fuyu who stood there with an emotionless face yet his eyes were glaring at her.

She sighed before walking towards Fuyu and took out an ointment. Yun Ren Xie then held his hand before setting it to him. "Fuyu, have you forgotten our condition? You nearly killed him!"

The young boy clenched his fists and Seimei noticed it. Why wont this Emperor retort at this cat demon?

Fuyu did not speak though and casually left the yard without a word, his silent contempt for Seimei rised to a new level. System noticed the main villain's anger rised to 75 percent. He does not wish to tell it since he knew it was his host's negligence.

"Seimei, get inside and apply this ointment. That little guy is sure acting fast so you better put more efforts in order to defeat him." Yun Ren Xie tossed another bottle of oinment to Seimei as he caught it.

She looked at Seimei who is focused on the ointment, his lips were closed tightly and his eyes were dazed. "Why?" he suddenly mumbled.


"Why do you choose me out of all people?" he glanced at Yun Ren Xie. She can just teach anyone else. Yes he have great talents however, there are more people out there who needs these more than he do.

"Your special."

"In what way?" Seimei hadnt expected how talkative he is with this demon.

"In every angle. Let me tell you, Abe no Seimei is born to change the world. Abe no Seimei is bound to a fox demon called Kitsune Bijin. Abe no Seimei's fate is about to change once he killed the greatest Emperor Subarashi Fuyu. After all these sufferings, you'll get anything you'd like." she crossed her arms and Seimei saw that glint in her eyes. As if she is telling his future, confident in any way.

"Liar." he snorted and turned away, Yun Ren Xie can tell he is frustrated. Maybe the way she have been lying to him all these past weeks?

Little did she know Seimei is a bit confused in what she said. Kitsune Bijin is bound to him? There's no way he'd be with that possessive fox demon!

As days passed, the training of Seimei got more and more ruthless that everytime he cant complete the methods, Yun Ren Xie would give him a taste of pain. She would toss a bead of lightning bolts to him and its a high leveled treasure thus he cant retaliate. After being punished, Yun Ren Xie would order kitsune maids to apply the oinment on his body to heal the wounds however, it costs too much ache that Seimei would let out grunts.

He never thought his appearance with heated face can arouse the kitsune maids' interests.

Subarashi Fuyu would send his trusted spy to look over Seimei and heard him suffer. He just shivered from the thought that Chisona Taiyo would use her high leveled beads in order to shape Seimei. When he was being taught by her, she would just use a midtier bead to him! It hurts him so much that he would often go to the forest and yell as he could in order to lessen the pain. How much more if its ten times stronger?! Chisona Taiyo is really unpredictable, not even gentle, always dishonest to Seimei and cold but never scolds him.

He can feel the difference of Taiyo's treatment. Seimei endured greater pains while Fuyu got more lesser sufferings. Seimei got cold shoulder from Taiyo while Fuyu is always cared by her. Seimei would often see her dishonesty and rarely found her smiling or laughing while Taiyo would tell Fuyu the truth and kept smiling at his side.

Fuyu smirked at how unfair she is to Seimei. Who told Seimei to arouse Chisona Taiyo's interest?

While Yun Ren Xie is occupied in teaching Seimei, more like watching over him, Subarashi Fuyu's fate continued with the female lead. He was strolling down the small town where he and Taiyo used to live when his jade broke to pieces because of the female lead bumping into him. Onmyojis sensed his great power and to gain fame, they need to kill him.

Kitsune Bijin knew this is the Emperor Fuyu who she have a crush with and thought of using him as her stepping stone in order to achieve a life full of luxury. She helped Fuyu escape the town and injured, it was in the plot and they will also be trapped in a cave where an evil spirit resides, makimg them both fall into greed. The result? Kitsune Bijin's innocence was taken by Fuyu.

In the original plot, Fuyu promised Bijin to bear the aftermath. Bijin is about to marry Fuyu as his queen when Seimei got into trouble, seduced by a young woman. Bijin's anger rose and left Fuyu in the air where he waited for her arrival but only to hear Bijin have slept with Seimei and killed his citizens.

The consequence? Fuyu was raged and tried to kill Seimei with two reasons, Bijin is inlove with an onmyoji and she willingly paved the road for him yet Fuyu only got used by a woman. He blamed Seimei, thinking if not for him, Bijin would still be his.

However, when Fuyu woke up, he threw a quick disgusted glance at the young fox demon beside him. Even if she is beautiful, something made him feel guilty and resentful to the girl.

In anger, he did not hold his strength and easily scattered the evil spirit's soul. When Bijin woke up, she saw a man dressing himself. She was startled at how her schemes resulted into this. Her plan is only to save then seduce him after but why did it end up like this? It was supposed to be Seimei! Not the Emperor of Kitsunes!

Her eyes went wide in fear as she gripped unto her loose clothing. "No.... this.... why?" she cried out however, inside, Kitsune Bijin is smiling.

She heard a frown then Fuyu turned at her, shock at his looks. The mask he has been wearing is gone thus, revealing his true face. "S-Seimei?" Bijin asked in fright, how come Abe no Seimei-sama turned into a kitsune?

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