Chapter 55: Little Sun

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A child with long white hair and lifeless blue eyes stared at the headless bodies in front of him. They were his kin, fox spirits who oathed to serve his Father Emperor but at the same time, schemed behind the royal family's back. He watched the blood gushing out of their open wounds but this scene did not made him sick.

The strong smell of death suffocated the young child. He suddenly came to his senses and started to remove the pile of bodies when a foot stepped over his right hand forcefully, making him hiss.

"Lets leave before more of your enemies come here." the young cat spirit girl said with a cold tone, her eyes were deep blue yet too clear as if it were made out of thousand year of ice.

"No! Otosan! He.... he is-"

"Dead." Yun Ren Xie's simply said but her fangs showed up indicating she is annoyed. How come this main villain is too fragile?! Maybe that is why he was killed by Seimei in the future. She took a gander at the young Subarashi Fuyu, he is actually.... beautiful and obtained feminine features.

The young child was startled. He was scared at the cat spirit in front of him. Even if she is not using her abilities, she killed the assassins stealthily after his Father Emperor fell to the ground.

"Impudent!" he harshly yelled at the girl and only received a calm and aloof gaze. "He is not dead! Your lying!"

Yun Ren Xie frowned, this boy is too dramatic. She sighed and made the corpses levitate before throwing them at every direction. The old Emperor's body have been found but its rotting too fast, turning to ashes.

Subarashi Fuyu collapsed, his loving Father Emperor have died. A light pat made him raise his head, looking at the cat spirit solemnly.

"Child, if you want revenge, stand up and cultivate faster. Im leaving." Yun Ren Xid whispered and stood up, walking away at the scene.

Fuyu is a smart child, he immediately processed everything in his mind. That cat spirit is too strong, she can even control her ability skillfully. "Wait." he said and turned at the girl.

She stopped and stayed at her place with silence. "I want you to teach me." Fuyu determindedly said.

"Oh?" she gazed at the young boy sideways. "Then convince me." a playful smile formed on her face, her natural red lips curved seductively.

At first, the boy was stunned at her beauty but shook it off. "To avenge my father!"

"Hm? Is that all?" she raised a brow. Does he not desire the throne?


A long silence passed before Yun Ren Xie spoke. "Fine, but after the revenge, do me one favor. Is that fine with you?"

He nodded his head and Yun Ren Xie started to walk again as he ran at her direction. They stopped in front of a small village not too far away from Kyoto and mysteriously built a huge estate out of nowhere, she manipulated every citizen's memory and planted fake ones, giving her information as a young miss with an adopted little brother. Yun Ren Xie then formed two identical jade bracelet that hid their ears, fangs and tail. His hair went fully dark but the girl stayed orange-red.

"I will give you nine years of my guidance and make you stronger that even onmyojis cant kill you. If ever you fail my expectations, I have no choice but abandon you and feed you to my pests." Yun Ren Xie opened her palm and a small wolf floated on it however, it has a great pressure on Fuyu.

He nodded in agreement. This girl have a poisonous tongue and he knew she is more capable using her fists for talking. "And dont break this bracelet, it hides our true form. One day, Im afraid I wont be able ro protect you anymore and so is myself." after hearing the girl. He was determined to be strong, he oathed that when he grow up, it will be his turn to save this girl from distress.

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