Chapter 10: The Emperor and I

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The pair of pink jade earing in a lotus shape reacted once Yun Ren Xie is only two feet away from it. It gleamed for a while and changed its appearance. The dull jade became transparent and its color became white, inside the two earing were small round object that were red.

Yun Ren Xie stepped outside, she looked around and there's no sign of the Prime Minister Li Si moving from the tub. She silently pick it up but she was mesmarized at the earing's appearance.

"Hey, how did you come in?" a familiar deep voice spoke from behind Yun Ren Xie.

She was shock. How will she escape? If she enters her consciousness, Li Si wont recognize her. So be it! She hurriedly put it inside her pocket.

Yun Ren Xie was about to move her hands when Li Si raised his hand and numerous hidden guards appeared, surrounding Yun Ren Xie from behind.

"You want to escape? No chance at all you little ant." Li Si smiled, he won again from this mobsters.


Yun Ren Xie let out a small laugh, her feminine sweet voice reached to everyone's ears. It was like this person in black heard a joke instead of a threat from their master! Ah, their master will surely deal with this thief...

Since when, Yun Ren Xie, the bigshot mafia leader want to escape every battle? Oh, how stupid of her to think she needs to escape this situation. Her heart roared due to anger. Let's let them witness her dark side!

Her desire to kill and punish this people filled her heart. Yun Ren Xie wants to hide her true face and thought of a dark veil to cover her lower face. Just as she expected, a veil covered her lower face but what she doesnt know is that, her iris turned bloody red.

Out of blue, two dark scythe appeared in her grasp. The hidden guards were not believing to what they saw.... Is this person a monster or deity? How can he let his weapon show up without moving his hands?! If he's that powerful... then their life are in trouble!

"Kill that person." Li Si's cold voice made them shiver. Their master is more scary than anyone else! Must obey him or die from his hand!

Over twenty hidden guards rushed to Yun Ren Xie. She turned fast and saw Li Si, sitting at his chair while playing with his tea and a smile is forming on his face. She glared at him and then shifted her gaze to her enemies.

She ran to their direction, once she reached a small distance from them, she flipped and aimed her scythe at the two hidden guards who were slower to react. Her scythe beheaded them and blood spewed, it stained her weapon but she didnt care. Four of the fastest hidden guards rushed at her with their weapons pointing to Yun Ren Xie. She quickly jumped high and stepped to the four colliding swords. They pulled it but Yun Ren Xie already went behind their back and knocked their nape which made them unconscious, they were after all her target's guards.

More and more guards attacked her but she just hit their vital points and made them fall down. There are eight more left!

Li Si watched the person in black, he knew that it was a woman since her body is slim and with those other more female characteristics. He have seen her glare, those red bloody iris made his heart itch. Such rare eye color, it was beautiful enough to make him interested. Just who is she?

"Catch her alive." he said, his fingers tapped the table while his other hand was holding his face. Li Si must not kill her, he wants to play with this new found toy of his first and when he will get bored, he can just finish her.

All the guards looked at each other and nodded when they heard their master's order. They all hid in the dark corner while Yun Ren Xie stood there, calm. Li Si smiled even more, this girl is quite interesting!

Yun Ren Xie made her weapon vanish. She glanced at the smiling Prime Minister before snorting.

Just who do you think you are? I created you and this plane and that's my advantage!

After a few seconds, Yun Ren Xie was pressed down by eight pair of hands. The hidden guards was surpised that she didnt struggle so they decided to pull her towards their master. They were only a meter away from Li Si.

He stood up and half kneeled in front of the girl, Li Si was about to take the veil off when he heard the girl speak in a cold, murderous tone, "Die...".

Just as she spoke, the hidden guards' head flew from every direction. Yun Ren Xie reacted quickly and leaped up, she pulled the shocked Li Si and threw him outside. She rushed to that direction and saw Li Si standing there, his smile is nowhere to be found and his face turned dark.

"Who are you...." Li Si said, it was not a question though, but a sentence.

He met the girl's red eyes. It was beautiful but he knew that it symbolizes blood. Yun Ren Xie, without a word, let her scythe appear once more and rushed to Li Si's place.

The Prime Minister took out his hidden dagger and decided to get close to the girl to catch her, but as soon as he reached her place, the girl disappeared and he felt pain from his back.

Yun Ren Xie just kicked him, sending Li Si flying to the courtyard's wall. She ran to him and is about to give him a deep injury when Baoshi's voice sprung in her head.

"Host! Stop it, if you do that, the system will return the pain in two folds! He is a chosen male lead and the system favors him, you must not give him deep injuries!" Baoshi warned.

The scythe disappeared, Yun Ren Xie stood straight in front of Li Si who looked at her in surprise. He clearly saw how she aimed at his shoulder and no hesitation can be seen from those bloody red eyes, but why? Why did she let her sycthe once more, disappear? She could have just finish him since she got the upper hand!


"I like your gold eyes." Yun Ren Xie said honestly, "This girl doesnt wish to ruin anything that is beautiful. They were hard to find like a needle in a grassy plane. Must at least, treasure you."

With that, Yun Ren Xie tapped her wrist and vanished. She left the Prime Minister in daze, what did she just say? Does that mean the girl likes him? Is that even considered a confession? Ha, his face is really a blessing, ah! He decided to take care of it from now on until he meet that girl again!

Yun Ren Xie have returned in her room and her clothes changed back to normal. Baoshi popped out and sat on the bed. "Host! You did a good job!" her eyes gleaming in excitement.

"Yep! I got the earing back and discovered something new from it!" Yun Ren Xie proudly said. But instead of Baoshi telling her she was brave and a perfect host....

"Errr... Its not that host although you did a good job..." Baoshi have that crook smile. Her host is really unique!

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