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Leave me alone

Why would I?

Your so fun to play with

Go away

How's things going with
your boyfriend?

I don't have a boyfriend


I'm not a liar

Seokjin is your boyfriend

He's not!

What is he then?

He's just my friend

Just friends?

Nobody is so affectionate
toward their friends

I'm not affectionate
towards him

Isn't your head always
on his chest?

That's what it means to
be affectionate

That's not the reason!

What's not the reason?

I don't put my head on his
chest to show affection

What's the real reason for it?

His heartbeat calms me down

His heartbeat calms you down?

It does

If that's not love I don't
know what is

It's not love!

And why exactly isn't it love?

Because it doesn't matter
who's heartbeat it is

Would my heartbeat calm
you down too?





I mean no

You're disgusting

Leave me alone

I won't leave you if I can
calm you down

Look who's the liar now

I'm not lying

I won't leave you

You've never been with me

And Seokjin has?

He's helped me through
hard times

By using his heart that only
beats for you?

He's been there for me
when everyone else left

With his heartbeat



Leave me alone


How about NO


Maybe there's a way to
make me leave you alone?


Please, I'll do anything

Have sex with me

What's wrong with you?

A lot of things, baby boy


Answer my question

I'm not going to have
sex with you.

Leave me alone


I have another favor
you can do

What is it?

Actually it's two things

Anything is better than sex

What is it?

Send me a sexy picture
of yourself

And send a 'please Daddy'

Then I'll leave you alone.

Can I please do something else?


I gave you two options

Choose one

I choose the second

Good choice, baby boy

Get onto it

I'll be waiting

You have 30 minutes.

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now