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I started school today

That's amazing, Minnie

How did it go?

Did you get into the school
you wanted?

I did, but I think it was
because of you

No, Minnie, I'm sure it was
because of you

How was your day?

I'm getting bullied again

:( why?

Because I'm gay

And in a polygamous relationship

I'm so sorry, Minnie

Don't be

It's okay

It's just that one of them
really remind me of how
Hoseok used to be


I feel so bad

Have you talked to Hoseok?

I don't want to

I thought you'd forgiven him

I have

But it's not nice to be
reminded of that side
of him

I understand but I think
talking to him would help,


It will hurt him if you don't

But it hurts me

I know, I'm so sorry

But talking to Hoseok
won't make it worse

Just try it please

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now