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"Yoongi," Hoseok said as he shook Yoongi, trying to wake him up.

It was already past midday, and Hoseok wanted to get lunch with Yoongi. But that meant waking up Yoongi. And that task was way harder than it should be.

"Yoongi, wake up."

Yoongi whined and turned away from Hoseok, hiding under the covers. He had no intentioon of waking up right now. He just wanted to keep sleeping.

"Please, Yoongi."

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked, his voice hoarse and thick with sleep.

"Nothing's wrong," Hoseok said. "I just wanted to get lunch with you."

"Like a date?"


"I'd love to get lunch with you, Hoseok."

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now