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Are you feeling better?

I'm feeling a lot better

Thanks for asking

No problem

I just wanted to be sure
that you were feeling alright

You've started to care
about me

I have not

Yes you have

It's cute

I'm not cute

I think you are

You got it all wrong, Baby

What do you mean?

You're cute

I'm not

You are cute too

Not as cute as you are

I'll let you win

I'm just happy that you
like me

I don't like you

Oh come on

Read what you just texted me

You don't hate me anymore

I don't hate you

But I don't like you

I thought we were friends

Oh, that's what you meant

What did you think I was
talking about?

It doesn't matter

We can be friends if you want

I'd love to

You are an awesome person

I'd wish I knew your name,
or how you look

You'll find out someday

I thought that day would
have been yesterday

When you face timed me

But you turned off your
camera so I couldn't see you

It wasn't fair

I don't want you to know
who I am yet

Why not?

It could change the way
you look at me

I don't want that to happen

No matter who you are I
want to be your friend

Just tell me your name

Not now

I'll tell you when the
time is right

It's right right now

It isn't the right time, Jimin



After all I've done for you

I repayed you yesterday

I don't owe you anything

I guess not

But still

I've already said no

This conversation is over

I'm not going to tell you

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now