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There you have it

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There you have it

There isn't even that
much skin

Too bad

I'm not taking another one

This is what you'll get


Give me a chance, Baby

I didn't mean it in a
bad way

You sure?

I might have been a
little bit disappointed

But it's okay

You are still very pretty

Stop trying so hard, Hoseok

I'm not going to forgive you


Please what?

Forgive me for not telling
me who I really am

That's not why I'm mad

It isn't?


Well, maybe a litttle bit

But it isn't the main reason

What's the main reason

Do you really want to know?

Please tell me, Baby

I really don't want you
to be mad at me

You shared the pictures

That's why you're mad


I'm sorry, Baby

Apology not accepted

Come on


It's not okay, Hosoek

How many did you share
the pictures with?

Only one

Wait two

Maybe four

Or five

No, it was three



I shared them with three
of my friends


Why do you wnat to know?

Maybe I know some of them

The first one was Taehyung

Jungkook's boyfriend?


Do you know him?

I know Jungkook, not Taehyung

The second was Namjoon

I don't think you know him

Is he that guy who keeps
texting Seokjin?

That might be him

He has quite the crush on Seokjin

The last one was Yoongi

Do you know him?


I know him

Or I used to know him



Who of them told you
about me?

Why do you suspect it to
be one of them

No one else would ever
dare tell you

So who was it?

It was Yoongi

Why does Yoongi have
your number?

He was my boyfriend


Two years ago

Back when he still
lived in Seoul

That's funny

He never mentioned you

Why would he?

He doesn't care about me

He never did

I'm sure that's not true

He left me

All alone

He didn't love me

And now he's coming back
to ruin my life again

He's coming back

He didn't tell you?

He never mentioned anything
about going back


He's coming back tomorrow

I'm sorry for sharing
your pictures, Jimin

I won't do it again

Will you forgive me?

I forgive you

Thank you, Baby

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now