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We need to talk

We don't need to
do anything

You don't have a say
in what I do

It's about Jimin

Why do you suddenly
care about him?

You haven't shown any
interest since you left
him 2 years ago

You know I didn't want
to leave

That doesn't change the
fact that you did

And I'm really sorry about it

I regret it every day

Why do you need to
speak with me?

Do you know what Jimin
is doing?

Of course

Why would you care?

He's texting with Hoseok

Who's Hoseok?

So he doesn't tell you everything

Hoseok is one of my
newer friends

He has a crush on Jimin

But he used to bully Jimin
so he doesn't know how to
get close to Jimin

Therefor he is now texting
with Jimin

He might be using a false
name when he talks with Jimin

Does he have a Daddy kink?

That's a weird question

I think so


Jimin is texting with
someone, but he doesn't
know his name

The other person told
Jimin to call him Daddy


That's probably Hoseok

Don't let them get too close

And why should I listen
to your advice?

Hoseok is a fuckboy

He'll break Jimin's heart

Like how you did?

Like that, but worse

It can't be worse than
with you

I wont interfere with Jimin's
relationships anymore

Just keep a close eye on him

They've only texted for three
days and Jimin has already
masterbated while face timing

He did what?!

Last night

Hoseok made him masterbate

He's ruining Jimin's innocence

I can't let this happen

Please keep a close eye
on him Seokjin

I still care about him

Do you really?

With all my heart

Would you be willing to
move back so you could
be with Jimin again

I'd do anything to be
with Jimin again


I have a spare bedroom
in my apartment

You can live there for a while

If you really care about
Jimin you would do it

When can I move in?

Tomorrow if you want

I'll be there in under 24 hours

Thank you Seokjin

Please be careful with him

I don't want anyone to
break his heart again.

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now