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Jimin whined as soon as he picked up the phone. His dick was rock hard and leaking pre cum, but he didn't know how to make it go away

"It's okay, Jimin"

"Daddy, it hurts"

"I know, Baby."

"But it will be okay"

"Trust me"

"I trust you"

"Please help me"

"What I'm going to tell
you to do might be a
little uncomfortable"

"But you have to do it"

"It will make the pain
go away

"What do you want me to do"

"Make yourself comfortable"

Jimin turned away from the camera and started to moce around all the pillows in his bed, trying to get comfortable. After a little while he turned back to the camera with a cute pout on his lips.

"I can't"

"Everything's uncomfortable"


"Just lie down on your back,
your side towards me so I
can see what you are doing

Jimin compiled, lying so Hoseok could see every part of his body, including his throbbing dick that before this point had been hidden by Jimin's shirt.

"Like this'?"

"That's perfect"

"You are so pretty, Baby Boy"

"Thank you, Daddy"


"I want you to grap your
dick with one hand"

"Why would that help"

"Believe me, it does"

"Is this right?"

Jimin shivered as he touched his dick. He had never touched himself before, he's only been toucked through his pants.

"Just like that"

"You have to move your
hand up and down now"


"No questions"

"Just do it"

His hand started going up and down slowly, afraid that he'd do something wrong and inflict more pain on himself.

"Keep going, Baby"

"You are doing great"

A moan escaped Jimin's lips as he kept moving his hand in a steady slow manner.

"I'm sorry, Daddy"

"About what?"

"That sound"

"I don't know what it was"

"I won't do it again"

"That was a moan"

"It's an amazing thing"

"Don't be sorry about it"

"It sounded amazing"

"Be as loud as you can, Baby"

"I want to hear you scream
my name"

"Okay, Daddy"

Jimin said between pants. Hoseok's praises were doing wonders to the boy. Hoseok took a note of it and decided to move to the next step


"Start moving your hand

"As fast as you possibly can"

"Imagine that it's my hand
that's wrapped around
your dick"

"That I'm the one who's
pleasuring you"

Jimin's moans started getting louder and loyder, some of them turning into screams.

"Your moands are so
perfect Jimin"

"Every sound you make
sound angelic"

"Daddy, ah- it, it, ngh.
fe- ah~ feels weird"

"I know, Baby boy"

"It's okay"

"Release if you need to"

"You're doing so well"

"You look so pretty"


With one last pump, Jimin realeased. The cum went everywhere. Up his stomach, on the wllas, some even hit the camera.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine"

"Thank you"

"We should do this
more often"

"We should"

"But I want to be there
the next time"

"Next to you on that bed"

"That could be arranged"

"Good night, Daddy"

"Good night, Baby Boy"

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now