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    How's life in Daegu?

It's great

Why are you texting me?

    You rememebr the boy
I told you about?

The innocent one you
had a crush one?

    Yes, him

What's up with him?

    I've started texting him

Didn't you already do that?

    I did

    But I bullied him

    I don't do that anymore


Why is that important to me?

    He has started sending
me pictures

Are they good?

    They're great

    You wouldn't believe how
inocent he really is

Can I see?

Do you have more?

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Do you have more?


Send them

Send them

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Are they all from the innocent boy?

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Are they all from the
innocent boy?


What's his name?


Do you know his full name?

    Why do you want to know?

Spit it out Hoseok

    Park Jimin

I have to go

    Wait Yoongi

    Do you know him?

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now