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"Go get some sleep, Hoseok," Yoongi said. "Take the guest bed tonight, you deserve the whole bed for yourself after what you've been through."

"Thank's Yoongi."

While Hoseok headed towards Yoongi's room, Yoongi went to the kitchen to prepare some warm milk for Jimin. He tested the milk on his wrist to make sure it had the perfect temperature, before poruing it into a sippy cup.

He pushed open the door to Hoseok and Jimin's room with his foot, since his hands were occupied with small things for Jimin.

"Where is Minnie?" Yoongi asked as he placed the sippy cup on the night stand along with a pacifier and a clip. He had of course noticed the giant lump on the bed, but he knew how much Jimin enjoyed playing hide and seek, so he went along with it.

He went around the room 'looking' for Jimin. After he had walked around the room multiple times, he sat down on the bed, pretending to cry. "Minnie is gone," he cried. "He doesn't like Oppa anymore. Oppa is sad."

Jimin's head imediatly popped up from the bedding. He hurried towards Yoongi, wrapping his small arms around Yoongi's body.

"Don't cry," he said. "Minnie is here. Minnie love you lots. Minnie never leave Oppa."

Yoongi smiled at Jimin. "I brought you some warm milk." He grabbed the bottle and placed it between Jimin plump lips. Jimin happily took the bottle, immediately sucking on it to get more of the warm liquid.

"You should sleep," Yoongi said. "It's already past midnight."

"Night night, Oppa," Jimin whispered as he slowly let sleep take over his whole body.

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