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Jimin calmed down as soon as he spotted Yoongi. He made grabby hands toward the elder, and Yoongi quickly went to hold his hands.

"I'm sorry, Minnie, I didn't leave you."

"Luv yu lots, Yoonie," Jimin giggled.

"I love you too, Minnie," Yoongi said. He looked back at Hoseok and smiled at him, showing off his gummy smile. "You too, Hoseok. I love you."

Hoseok smiled and went up to them. He kissed Yoongi first then Jimin. "I love both of you so much," he said.

Jimin giggled softly again. "Luv yu, Daddy." Hoseok smiled wider.

"I won't ever leave any of you," Yoongi said with a big smile. "You complete me."

The End...

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now