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Hoseok sat down next to Jimin, holding out a cup up warm milk for the younger. "Thank you," Jimin said, as he took the cup into his own hands, enjoying the warmth that streamed through his body every time he took a sip.

"I think you are the first person I've ever met who enjoys warm milk," Hoseok said, taking a sip from his coffee.

Jimin crossed his legs, nuzzling further into pillows that surrounded him. "I find it calming. Yoongi used to make for me. He did it every night before I fell asleep."

"You know he cared about you, right?"

Jimin nodded. "I know. He explained everything to me earlier."

"Do you forgive him for leaving?"

"I'm not quite sure." Jimin took a sip from his milk before continuing. "I haven't forgiven him yet, although I'm close to forgiving him. It's just a lot to process."

Hoseok smiled. His plan worked almost perfectly. Jimin was on his way to forgiving Yoongi, and if what Hoseok had learned about Jimin was true, then it wouldn't be a problem to push Jimin the last step so he could forgive Yoongi.


"Who's at the door?" Jimin asked.


Jimin's mouth turned into an O shape "I'll see you later," he said, before running into their shared bedroom, locking the door after him.

"Come on, Jimin." Hoseok knocked on the door. "You can't lock me out of my own bedroom. Please let me in, Baby."

Hoseok waited patiently expecting Jimin to obey him and open the door. But this didn't happen. Jimin didn't open the door, he kept it locked up, not wanting to talk to Yoongi yet.

"Alright, Baby. I'll leave now. Please come join us when you're ready. We have something to talk with you about."

Hoseok didn't wait for a reply, since he knew there wouldn't come one. He went to the front door opening it, and letting Yoongi step in side. He apologized for the long wait, and explained to him what happened. They went to the couch, sitting down next to each other.

"My plan almost worked," Hoseok said. "Jimin says that he has almost forgiven you."

"That's great, Hoseok."

"Are we going to explain to him tonight?"

"I think we should."


about and hour passed before Jimin decided to go out of the bedroom. He headed towards the living room.

As soon as he saw Yoogi he broke down crying. He had missed him so much. The worst part being, that he had been so sad, that he hadn't even realised he still had feelings for Yoongi.

"Baby," Hoseok said, crouching down next to Jimin. "Don't cry, everything is alright." Jimin nodded, wiping away his tears, only to replace them by new ones.

"Let's go talk to Yoongi," Hoseok said, picking up Jimin bridal stile and sitting down on the couch opposite Yoongi. He placed Jimin in his lap and covered him in a fluffy blanket.

"Long time no see," Yoongi said. Jimin hummed as a respond, not knowing how to answer. "I've missed you, Jimin."

"Missed you too." Jimin mumbled, buruwing his head further into Hoseok's neck.

"Look at me, Jimin." He turned around, locking eyes with Yoongi, but he broke the contact after a few seconds. "Remember what I said earlier?"

"You wanted to explain something." Jimin said.

"That's right. Do you still want to know?"

"I'd love to know."

"We can be in a threeway relationship. Where we're all dating each other at the same time. No one has to cheat on anyone. Does that sound good?"

Jimin stayed silent for a while, trying to process what exactly Yoongi said. "It sounds awesome," he said with a small smile.

"So you're up for it?" Hoseok asked, pulling Jimin closer.

"If you both agree on it, I will happily do it."

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now