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Where is Jimin?!?

    He's safe

    He's with me

Why isn't he at Seokjin's
place anymore?

    He didn't want to talk
to you

He really doesn't like me
anymore, huh?

    I think he still does

And why do you think that?

    He was crying yesterday

Why would that mean
that he liked me?

    He was looking at an
old photo album filled
with pictures of you
and him

I remember that album

Why did he cry?

    He said, and I quote,
"I really loved him"

So he doesn't love me anymore

    Why would he be crying
if he didn't have feelings
for you anymore?

    He cried because somewhere
deep inside him, he still
loves you

    But he's too afraid

Of what?

    He's afraid that you'll
leave him again

    Break his heart

I didn't mean to do it

I had no choice

    You always have a choice

    You said that yourself

You know what I meant

You would have done the same

    I wouldn't


What would you have done

    I would have explained the
situation to Jimin

    I would tell him every
single detail

    Every reason why I had
to leave

    Make him understand why
I chose to do it

I didn't have the time
to explain

    You could have called him

    You could have done
so much

But I didn't

    You didn't

    But you can still make it
up to him

    Make him forgive you

How do you know that?

    He forgave me

For what?

    Not telling him who I was

    And sharing his pictures
without him knowing

He forgave you for that?

    The same day it happened


What did you do?

    I'm not quite sure

    I said sorry

    I explained everything
that had happened

    You could try doing the same

    It really makes a difference

I'll try

Thank you

    No problem

    Can we meet someday?

    I've missed you a lot

Of course

Are you free tomorrow?

    I am

I'll be at your place
sometime in the afternoon

    See you then

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now