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Is something wrong?

Can I not text you unless
something is wrong?

Of course with can

You can always text me, baby

You started school today,
didn't you?

Yoongi told you?

Seokjin did

He said you seemed sad

I'm not sad

Are you sure? You can tell
me if somethings wrong.

Just a few bullies, nothing bad

Bullying is bad, baby

Are you alright?

You used to bully me

I know and I've never regretted
anything more

I hate myself for doing it

Don't hate yourself please

It's just that one of them
remind me of how you used
to be

He makes me really uncomfortable

And it's messing with my head

Is he touching you?

Kind of

Not anything bad

Like what you used to do

If he tries anything you tell
me or Yoongi, alright?

Why? I can stand up for myself

But he'll come back again

If Yoongi goes he will leave
you alone

But I don't want that

I don't need Yoongi to come
fix all my problems

It's okay to need help, baby

No I don't want your help

Or Yoongi's

I can do this on my own

Of course you can, baby

You are so strong

I love you a lot, you know
that, right?

I love you too

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now