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    I already told you to
leave me alone

Please listen to me

I came back for you

    Doesn't matter

I think it does

    Well, it doesn't

    Not to me anyways

You don't have feeling
for me anymore?


Are you sure?

    I'm quite sure

    I think I would know
if I had

Unless you are trying
to pretend you don't

    Why would you say that?

Hoseok told me you
cried yesterday


You cried because of me

    I did

    How does that prove
your point?

You wouldn't cry over
the memories if you
didn't have feelings
for me anymore

    I obviously would

    And I did

    I cried because I was

You are not stupid, Jimin

You never were

    I thought you loved me

    I was blinded by my own
love for you

    I didn't even realise it
wasn't being returned

Don't say that Jimin

I loved you

I still do

That's why I came back

    Why did you leave?

    If you really loved me
you wouldn't have left

Something happened

    What happened?

    What was more important
than me?

My sister

    That's so stupid, Yoongi

    Did you leave me because
your sister wanted you to
come home?

Why didn't you just tell me?

I would have understood

    You didn't have to just

    I thought you had died

    I thought you were dead

    I cried for days

    I was completely broken

    Only to find out that you
were running around in
Daegu drinking until you
fell unconsious

My sister died


That's why I left

I went home to her funeral

    Why didn't you tell me?

    I would have come
with you

I didn't want you to know

I wanted to keep you away
from my family

I didn't want you to get
mixed up in the problems
in my family

    Your sister died

    I liked her a lot

    She meant so much
to me

    Why didn't you just
tell me?

    It's one member in your

    Not your whole family

My dad killed her


That's why I didn't
bring you

I didn't want you to see
how broken my family
really is

I didn't want you to get hurt

I drank to forget what
had happened

That's what you heard about

    I'm sorry, Yoongi

It isn't your fault

    You really loved me

I still do

I want you back, Jimin   

    You can't get me back

Because of Hoseok?

    I'm with Hoseok now

    I don't want to cheat
on him

You shouldn't cheat
on him

We can be together
without you cheating
on him

    I'm not breaking up
with him

You won't be breaking
up with him

    I'm confused

I'll explain it to you later

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now