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"Yoonie?" Jimin asked

"What is it, Minnie?"

"Why isn't Daddy coming home? Why does he have to work for the night?"

Yoongi looked confused, almost as if he thought Jimin was lying. "He told you that?" Jimin hummed as a response. "But Hoseok doesn't do night shifts. He would never do anything like that."

Jimin pouted. "Did Daddy lie to Minnie?" He asked, slipping into Little space.

"I don't think so, Minnie. He wouldn't do that on purpose. Can you track his phone?"

Jimin pulled out his phone, going into the 'find friends' app, looking for Hoseok. "Minnie can see where Daddy was 30 minutes back."

"30 minutes ago? That's quite a long time. Can you show me his location?" Jimin flipped the phone around so Yoongi could see the adress that was displayed on the screen. "That's not where he works. I have to go after him. Listen closely, Minnie," Yoongi said, taking Jimin's hands into his own. "If I'm not back by tomorrow morning, you have to call the police and give them that adress. Can you do that?"

"Don't leave me."

"I'm sorry, Minnie. But it's too dangerous, I can't take you with me. You have to stay here. There's food in the fridge for you. Turn on the TV if you want. Just don't leave the house, okay?"

"Okay, Yoonie. Be careful."

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now