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Jimin stood in front of the mirror, carefully examining the tail that had magically appeared. He tugged on it, trying to make it go away, but whelped in pain. After a few more unsuccessful tries, he decided to leave it, devastated that he couldn't remove the tail.

Jimin walked aorund the house, trying to find something to do. It was hard for him, since Little Jimin didn't like doing a lot of stuff. On his way around the house he kept hitting different object. At first it was things like doors and walls, but turned into the sharper objects.

He went into the kitchen to look for food, on his way he tripped over his own feet. Jimin's head colided with the corner of the kitchen table, cutting into his skin. Blood started to pour from the wound on his forehead. Jimin started crying, as he felt the blood drip down his face.

He wanted to call Yoongi so he could come home and take care of Jimin. But Yoongi said that he had to finish something at work for friday which was in two days, and Jimin didn't want to distract him from something that was important. Therefore Jimin decided not to call. He stayed still on the kitchen floor, crying, not so much because of the pain, but because of the lack of someone being there to take care for him.

A little less than an hour went by before Jimin heard somone at the door. He tried moving, but his body ached, making him groan in pain.

"Minnie?" Yoongi called from the front door.

"Oppa!" Jimin cried out of joy, relieved that Yoongi was finally home. Yoongi entered the kitchen suprised to find Jimin completely naked on the floor.

"What happened, Minnie?" Yoongi asked worriedly as eh sat down nect to Jimin.

"Minnie wanted to hab fun, but Minnie didn't know what to do, so Minnie went to get fwood. Minnie fweel and hit Minnie's head."

"That must have hurt a lot," Yoongi said. "Do you want me to clean the cut?"

"Yes please."

Yoongi took Jimin into his arms and carried him all the way to the bathroom, where he carefully placed Jimin in the tub. Yoongi turned on the water, making sure it had the perfect temperature.

He found a soft towel and started slowly dabbing it against Jimin's forehead to get some of the blood away. Jimin winced back the first time that the towel came into contact with the skin, but stayed still when Yoongi convinced him that it was necessary.

"All cleaned up," Yoongi said when he finished getting all the blood off of Jimin.

"Thank you, Oppa," Jimin said. "Can you make the tail go way now?"

Yoongi laughed a bit. He had missed Jimin so much, the boy was absolutely perfect, he couldn't wait to share their relationship with all of his fans. "If you go on all four, I can take make it go away."

Jimin did as Yoongi asked him, happy to finally get rid of the tail. "This might hurt a little," Yoongi said as he gripped the tail. He started sliding it out. Jimin whimpered and whined. He tried to get away, but Yoongi held him tight, so he was unable to move.

Yoongi knew this would be painful. Jimin was still sore from last night, and he had never done anything like this before.

"There," Yoongi said once he had pulled the tail out.

"Thank you, Oppa."

After drying Jimin, Yoongi went to pick out an outfit for Jimin. A few days ago, Yoongi had gone to the store and bought some things for Little Jimin. Those things included toys, coloring books, crayons, sippy cups, pacifiers, and a whole lot of different outfits.

In the end he picked out an outfit that consisted of a yellow oversized sweater and a light-washed pair of suspender pants. Yoongi put it on Jimin, being pleased with how he looked in it.

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