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Send me another picture


Because you were so pretty
in the last picture

Oh thank you

Are you blushing?


You like to get praised?

I do

That's great Baby Boy

I love pictures like that

If you send another one
I will praise you so much!

Do you promise?

I will praise you more
than you can ever imagine,
Baby Boy

You are such a great Baby Boy

You are such a great Baby Boy

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You're such a tease


I love it so much

Your body is so fucking prettty

You are so fucking pretty

Don't curse!

I love your body so much

It curves in all the right places

Everything is so perfect

Your skin is so smooth

I want to touch it

Every single place on your
entire body

I want my hands all over
your body

Why would you want that?

Because you are so pretty

I want to touch you

I like touching pretty things

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now