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Jimin stood on the road in front of Hoseok's house. His belongings were spread around him. He started rethinking his decision, being unsure if this was the right choice.

He pressed the doorbell hearing a faint "Ding Dong" coming from the other side of the door, along with footsteps.

"Hi," Hoseok said as he opened his front door to let Jimin into the house.

"Hello," Jimin said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Do you want help with your bags?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes please"

Hoseok picked up a few bags, walking in front of Jimin, showing him the way to their room. He pushed open the door, revealing a beautiful room with a double bed in the middle.

Paintings hung all over the walls, along with random quotes and lyrics.

"This is my bedroom, but I thought that you could sleep in here too, if you don't have a problem with that."

"I would love to sleep with you. This is so amazing. Thank you."

"It's nothing, Jimin."

Jimin frowned. "Where's my nickname?"

"Oh~" Hoseok cooed at Jimin's cuteness. "I didn't think of using it. I'm sorry, Baby."

"It's okay, Daddy."

Hoseok felt his pants tightening. He had thought about how that word would sound when Jimin said it. And he loved it even more than he could ever have imagined.

"You can start unpacking. I'll be back in a bit. I have something I need to take care off." Hoseok said.

Jimin did as he was told. He hung up the few pieces of clothing that he owned, including the clothes that Yoongi had given him.

He placed some of his decorations next to the ones Hoseok had put around the room, making it feel a little more like home.

Jimin had only brought his most precious belongings. This included a photo-album he recieved on his sixteenth birthday. While waiting for Hoseok to come back, he started looking throug the pictures.

Jimin handn't looked through the album since he turned seventeen. So naturally, he didn't remember what pictures where in it.

A thing that he had forgotten was the fact that Jimin was still with Yoongi when he turned sixteen. Therefor a lot of the pictures included Yoongi.

As Jimin looked through all the pictures, he felt his eyes stinging. Tears began rolling down his face as he thought of all the amazing moments he'd had with Yoongi.

"Baby?" Hoseok asked. "Why are you crying?"


"Come here." Hoseok said, pulling Jimin onto his lap, hugging him from behind. "It will be okay. What happened?"

"I was," Jimin sniffled. "I was looking through my old picture book, but almost every picture is with Yoongi."

"Why does it make you so sad."

"I really loved him, Daddy."

Hoseok panicked as Jimin called him Daddy again. It was really a turn on for Hoseok, and he couldn't help but get hard every time Jimin said it.

"Don't you love him anymore?"

"I only love you, Daddy."

Hoseok felt himself getting harder every time Jimin moved even the tiniest bit, which he did quite often right now.

"Can you please sit still?" Hoseok asked

"Why? Does it annoy you when I move around."

"You could never do anything that would annoy me. But please sit still."

Jimin finally did as he was told, even though he didn't want to. He was quite uncomfortable right now, and he could feel something poking him from behind.

"What's wrong, Baby?"

"Something is poking me. I just don't know what it is."

"I know what it his."

"What is it?"

"You sure you want to know?" Hoseok asked

"Yes, I want to know."

"It's my dick."

"It can't be."

"Why not?"

"A dick isn't that hard. Unless there's something wrong with your dick."

"There's nothing wrong with my dick. I promise you."

"Will you please explain why it is hard?" Jimin asked.

"Remember the day we facetimed?" Jimin hummed in response. "It's like how you felt that day."

"Oh. Can I help you with it? I don't want you to be hurting," Jimin said, as he rememebred how it had hurt.

Hoseok laughed. "It's fine, Baby. I can take care of it myself."

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now