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I miss you


Oh, Minnie, we miss you

Are you having fun?

Mhm it's pretty nice

But it would be way nicer if
you were here with us

We miss our happy little

You could have brought
me too

You want to start school,

I don't see why that's
important right now but

It would have made you
miss the start of your first

That would be a shame

I see

But I'm still kind of sad

Don't be sad, ok?

We won't forget about you,
Minnie, I promise you that

How is everything at home?

It's good

I haven't really done
anything since you left

I'm feeling a bit stressed
but I can't really do
anything about it

No little space?

Not when neither you
nor Hoseok is here

I'm sorry, Minnie

I don't want you to be
stressed and sad because
of me

Don't put the blame
on yourself

I'm not stressed because
you aren't here

It's more about school
I think


I'm scared I won't get in

I think that's what
stressing me out

Don't be scared

I'm sure you'll get in

Thank you, Yoongi

I'll see you later

Bye, Minnie

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now