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Yoongi slammed his hand on the table when he finished watching the interview. He couldn't believe how stupid he had been. He hadn't only ruined his own reputation, but Hoseok's too. That's why he was so mad. Because of Hoseok. He honestly didn't care about how people looked at him, but he knew that Hoseok cared, and it would break Hoseok's heart if people started hating him before he even released his first album.

He thought about ways to fix this. Not only for Hoseok, but for Jimin, too. If the things that were said in that interview would hurt Hoseok, he didn't even want to imagine what it would do to Jimin.

Jimin was so pure and innocent. He would never hurt a fly. If people started staring at him every time he went outside, whispering bad things about him, Jimin wouldn't be able to cope with it. He would break under the pressure of people's judgeful glances.


Yoongi turned around when he heard someone call his name. "What? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now."

"Last time I checked you didn't talk to me like that, Yoongi."

"Sorry, Hyung."

"It's okay. Why are you like this? What did you do?"

"Check any kind of social media and you'll see."

Seungwoo pulled out his phone, opening a random application to see what Yoongi was talking about. He immediately noticed all the stuff about Agust D, that was plastered on every news page's front sites.

"Why did you do an interview without telling me?"

"I didn't mean to," Yoongi growled. "He took Hoseok, and said that if I wanted him back I had to do it."

"You have to find some way to fix this."

"That's what I'm trying to do. Do you have any ideas?"

"Have you thought of an announcement to your fans?"

"No, but I will consider it. Thank you, Hyung."

"You're going to be fine, Yoongi."

"It's not me who I'm worried about." Yoongi said.

Seungmin smiled at him. "I'm sure Hoseok and Jimin will be fine too. Don't worry about them. You still have to finish your song."

"Is it okay if you get it by Saturday?"

Seungmin nodded before leaving the room. Letting Yoongi be alone again, the emptiness around him slowly eased its way inside him, making him feel empty and sad. The perfect mood to write a song if you asked Yoongi.

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