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You're coming back?

Why didn't you tell me?

    I'm coming back for Jimin

    Not for you

That's harsh

    I really loved Jimin

    I still love him

But he doesn't love
you anymore

    Who told you that?

Jimin did

He said it himself

He doesn't want you anymore

He's mine now

    Keep your hands off him


He's not yours

    Shut up Hoseok

    You're just jealous because
I still love him, but I don't
love you anymore

That's not true

I don't need you, Yoongi

    Are you sure?

I have Jimin now

He's my baby

    Funny how he's your
baby when you used
to be mine

    I would never have
imagined you as a top

Come on Yoongi

Why are you so salty?

    You were so submissive
when you were with me

    You always looked so
pretty under me

Shut up Yoongi

    Do you miss being



    Answer my question


I miss it

How many have you
been with since we
stopped dating?


Are you happy now?


What are you going to
do with this information?

    Maybe I want you back

You just said, that you
want Jimin

    I can want both of you

But you have to choose one

You can't have both

    I think I can

Are you going to cheat
on both of us?

    Of course not

    I would never cheat
on either of you

How are you going to
do it then?

    We could all be in a
relationship with each other

Like a triad?

    You could call it that

    What do you say?

I'm in if Jimin
wants to

    He mighgt need to be

    He doesn't like me very
much right now

    You might be able to
convince him


    Talk to him about it

    Maybe get into a relationship
with him before bringing
me into it

    Do you think you can do that?

I don't know

I'll try

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now