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"Jimin?" Yoongi asked as he went into Jimin and Hoseok's room. He had told Hoseok to stay in the living room while he got Jimin.

"Oppa!" Jimin said. "Minnie miss you."

"I missed you, too, Minnie. Hoseok is waiting for us, should we go out to him?" Jimin nodded and took Yoongi's hand. He hid behind Yoongi's back while they walked.

"Will you tell me why we had to get home?" Hoseok asked when Yoongi came into his view.

"Jimin wanted to tell you something," Yoongi said.

Jimin sat down on the sofa a bit away from Hoseok since he was still a bit afraid of telling him.

"This might come as a surprise," Yoongi started explaining. "Jimin is a Little."

"A what?"

"He's a Little."

"What's that?"

Jimin's eyes started watering. "Minnie told chu Daddy think Minnie is weird!" Jimin started crying.

"Give him a chance, Jimin. He's never heard of it before." Yoongi slightly scolds, turning towards Hoseok. "Jimin goes into something called Little Space sometimes. It's when an adult regresses into the mind of a toddler. It happened the other day, when you were watching movies with him. That's why he started acting like a child."

"Really?" Hoseok asked.

"See? Daddy not like Minnie anymore." Jimin pouted.

"No, no, no, Baby Boy. I love you a lot. It's so cute. You are so cute." Hoseok pulled Jimin into his lap and kissed him softly, smiling at the younger.

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now