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Where are you?

It doesn't matter, Yoongi

It matters a lot to me

Where are you, Minnie?

Why do you care?

Because I love you

And I get afraid when
you're missing

I love you too

You don't have to be afraid

I'm not missing

I'm checking out different


I want to start attending
school again

That's great, Jimin

What kind of school
are you looking for?

An art school

Do you want to dance?

That's part of my plan

I want to sing and dance

That's so cool

I hope you find what
you are looking for

Thank you

Can you be home by 7?

Yes, why?

We have to leave at 8


But that's so soon

I'm sorry, Jimin,
but we have to go

I'll be home by 6

Spent some time with me
before you leave, okay?

Make sure Hoseok's there too

Of course

See you later

Bye, Yoongi

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