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"Jimin?" Yoongi said as he entered the apartment.

He was imediatly greeted with the younger boy hugging him. "I've missed you," Jimin mumbled against Yoongi's chest, the words almost inaudible.

"What do you want to do?"

"Cuddle!" Jimin smiled, dragging Yoongi to Hoseok and his bedroom, plopping on top of the bed.

Yoongi sat down next to him, attaching his arms around Jimin's waist and laying both of them down. Jimin's legs found their typical place between Yoongi's legs.

"I've missed being able to hold you like this." Yoongi said, pulling Jimin even closer to his chest. "By the way, are you still a Little?"

Jimin froze at Yoongi's question. Panic started going through his body like wawes hitting the shore. "I haven't been little since you left," he said.

"Really? You used to be in Little Space every day. Why don't you do it anymore?"

"I didn't have a caretaker, and I didn't want to put even more of my problems onto Seokjin. So I just kept to myself and learned not to slip."

"Do you still want to be a Little?"

Jimin hummed. Thinking about it, he had actually missed it a lot too. He just hadn't thought that much about it. Although when he looked back, he could see how important that part of his life really was.

"I can be your caretaker," Yoongi said. "I will take care of you like I used to."


"I promise. I'll go buy you some stuff tomorrow, ok? Remember to tell me when you're feeling Little so I can help you."

Jimin pushed himself closer to Yoongi and hummed.

"Hoseok and I have something planned for tonight, so I don't think now is a good time to slip, as we don't know when you'll get big again."

Jimin hummed again and Yoongi lightly kissed the top of his head while holding him closer than he'd been held in a year.

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