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They were halfway through watching the movie. Hoseok was bored out of his mind. He had never imagined that it could be this boring to watch Tangled.

Jimin on the other hand enjoyed it a lot. He tried not to blink, since he didn't want to miss any part of the movie. Tangled was his favorite movie. He had watched it hundreds of times, but he was still just as excited about watching it as he was the first time.

Hoseok put his arms around Jimin, embracing him into a big hug, before pulling him down on the sofa. Jimin whined when Hoseok blocked the screen. The whine was high pitched and long. It was almost childlike.

"Daddy!" Jimin whined, lightly punching Hoseok's shoulder to make him move out of the way, so Jimin could see the TV once again.

"Is it a good movie?" Hoseok asked. He moved, so he was now behind Jimin.

"Minnie like it lots."

Jimin's response sounded like the response of a child. Not like an eighteen year old boy. And definantly not like Jimin would usually speak.

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