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Are you still awake?


Why aren't you sleeping?

I miss you

Why don't you just stay
with Hoseok

It's not the same

He cares a lot about you,

I'm more comfortable
with you

You are really comfortable
with him too

What makes you say that?

You slipped today

While you were with him

No I didn't

I'm pretty sure you did

He told me that you guys
were watching Tangled,
and you started acting
like a child

You set it up, didn't you?



It's so embarrasing

It isn't embarrassing, Minnie

It's quite cute actually

But why did you do it?

You know I don't want
him to know yet


He felt left out

What do you mean?

He was convinced that you
loved me a lot more than
you love him

It made him sad

He felt unloved

But I love you equally

I know

But he doesn't feel that way

You need to open up to him

Tell him some secrets

But he will judge me

He's going to leave me

He won't leave you

Trust him a bit

He really cares about you

It wont change anything

Why is it important then?

If it won't change anything?

It will change something

He will know that you
love and trust him

I do love and trust him

But not as much as me

Maybe not

Come on, Minnie

You love him too

I know you do

Is it really that scary?

I'm just afraid

How about you tell him
next time you're in Little

I can't

Why not?

I don't think a lot when
I'm little

What if I'm there with you?

It will be amazing Jimin

He will still love you


But only if you are there
with me

I'll be there

Just tell me when you
are little, alright?


Good night, Minnie

Good night

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now