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Yoongi is the one speaking on the left, the masked man is on the right, and Hoseok is on the left but in cursive.


"These questions won't be any
harder than you make them.

"First question:"

"Why did you come back to

"I had someone here, who I
needed to speak with."

"Who is it?

"It's my Baby."

"Why did you come back
for her?

"I left without saying a word.
A good friend of mine told me
how broken my Baby was, and
I felt the need to come back."

"Why did you leave?"

"Family problems."

"I need more details."

"My sister died."


"Yoongi, you don't have to
do this."

"Oh, shut up, I'm just trying
to help you."

"How did she die?"

"My father killed her."


"I think so."

"I'm not quite sure."

"Why didn't you tell her?"


"You're girlfriend"

"I didn't care too much."


"My family was so fucked up."

"It still is."

"I didn't want my Baby to get
mixed up with all of that."

"They were my proplems and
only mine."

"I broke my Baby's heart, and
I'll never forgive myself for
doing so."

"Are you back together

"We are."

"Has she forgiven you?"

"I think so."

"Is she happy now?"

"I don't know, honsestly."

"I hope so, but I'm not sure."

"Tell us more about her."

"My Baby's is the most precious
person in the world."

"I couldn't imagine loving
anyone as much."

"They're so perfect."



"There's more than one?"

"I never said that."

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now