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I need your help

    What is it?

    Are you okay?

I'm okay

For now

    Jimin, you're scaring me

    What happened

Someone texted me

    Is it him again

I don't know

It's an Unknown number again

I think it is

    What did he say?

He will leave me

    Why is that a bad thing?

I have to do him a favour
before he wants to leave


He gave me two choices

    What are they?

I could have sex with him

Or I could send him a sexy
picture of myself and text
him 'please Daddy' afterwards

    What did you answer?

The second option

    Why didn't you just
say no?

I panicked

What should I do?

    You have to do it now

    It's a favour, Jimin

    You said yes

    There's no way of getting
out now

How am I going to do it?

    You're going to take a
picture of yourself

I know

But how can I make it sexual?

I don't want him to be mad
at me for not completing
the favour

    Pick out one of your
special outfit

    Whatever one you pick,
you have to put it on

    Search for poses online
and find one you like

    Try to recreate it

I'll try

Thank you Seokjin

    Anytime, Jimin

    Be careful

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now