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Hey, Jimin

Did you just wake up?


How did you sleep?

    Minnie swept well

Is Minnie feeling little?


I'm sorry I can't be with
you right now

I have to finish my work
before friday

    Is okay

If you need anything,
you should call me, okay?

I'll try to get home if you
really need

    Minnie wont need

As long as you are alright,
I'll be happy

    Minnie is not ok

Are you hurt?

    No no no no no

    Minnie not hwurt

    Yoongi no worry

Why are you not alright

    My butt hurts and
somethwing is stikcing out

What's sticking out?

[image showing buttplug with a fluffy tail sticking out (had to remove it sorry)]

Why, Minnie, you've
grown a tail

    Cant be twue

    Don't want tail

    Oppa, make it go away

But it looks so cute on you

    Minnie want it gone

    Don't wike it

    Help me

    Is making Minnie sad :(

Oh no, don't be sad, Minnie

It's not permanent

You haven't grown a tail

Don't worry

    How do Minnie make
tail go way?

I don't think you can do
it right now

I'm sorry, Minnie

You'll have to wait until
I get home

Or you could call Hoseok

You decide

    Wait for you

    Don't want Daddy to
fwind out

Find out what?

    Minnie is a Little

You don't want Hoseok
to know about your little


I'll try to get home soon,

It might take an hour or
two, but I'll be home

Wait for me

    Minnie will wait

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