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    How did it go?

I'm not sure

He said he enjoyed the

    Did something go wrong?

He started talking like
a child at one point

    He is a child

Like a child child

You know one that's
maybe 4-5 years old

    That's good


How is that good?

    I don't want to say it

    Jimin should have the
power to choose when
he will tell you

    I won't take that from him

Is it one of his secrets?

    I won't tell you

    He should tell you everything
when he's ready

    But this is improvement

I'm glad that you say so

When does he have to sleep?

    Put him to bed at 8

That's so early

    He gets really tired otherwise

    Make him a cup of warm
milk, and leave him alone

    That's how he's
comfortable with it

But you could sleep with
him yesterday

Why can't I sleep with him today?

    If you want to gain his
trust, you should leave
him alone

    He will ask you to stay
if he is comfortable

Goodnight Yoongi

Thank you

    No problem

    Good night

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now