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"Yoongi Hyung!" Jimin ran into the elder's arms. Yoongi tightly embraced the younger. "I don't want you to leave."

"It'll be alright, Jimin," Yoongi said while his hand found its place on Jimin's butt. He lightly slapped Jimin's butt check making him whine.

"Hoseok will also be going with me, you know."

"Minnie will be all alone. No one with Minnie! Minnie will be sad. And scared!"

"Come here, Baby," Yoongi said and platted his lap. A few seconds later Jimin was sitting in said lap. "Don't worry. You'll be fine. Make sure to text me or call if you need help with anything."

"Yes, Yoonie,"

Yoongi gripped onto Jimin's waist and started moving him a little bit. He couldn't hold back anymore. He knew that he wouldn't be seeing his baby in a while so he wanted to get the most out of the night.

Yoongi grunted as Jimin kept grinding on him "oh, fuck Jimin."

"Yoonie said a bad word. Yoonie bad boy,"

"Shit, I'm sorry Minnie," Yoongi said. "I hate to ask you this, but will you please be big right now? I'd really like to do something with big Jimin and I don't know how well it would go with little Jimin."

"Can try," Jimin said and closed his eyes tightly. He was thinking hard. He had no idea how to suddenly become big again. After thinning for a while Little Jimin deemed the situation boring and slowly faded away.

"What do yo- Ah~ Yoongi!" Jimin moaned as Yoongi pushed him harder against his own hardening member.

"Will you go wait in your bedroom? I have something I need to get," Yoongi said, gently kissing Jimin.

As he was walking away he felt Jimin pull him back. "No. We don't need anything. I can take it without lube."

"You sure, Baby? I don't want you getting hurt,"

"I don't mind."

"Go in there anyway. I'll be there in a moment, ok?"

Their Baby ; YoonMinSeokWhere stories live. Discover now