Christmas surprise

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Y/n pov:

I walked around the house looking for my 4yr old daughter rumi since she all of the sudden disappeared.

"Rumi where are you?"

I finally found her in the living room trying to open a Christmas gift which made me chuckle.

"I don't think so." I said picking her up as she said dang.

"Can we call daddy?"

"Yes we can."

I grabbed my phone out my back pocket and clicked on keith contact only to get sent to voicemail.

"Will call daddy later okay."

"Okay." She said as she ran to her room while I texted keith.

Umm why you send me to voicemail?
I can't talk right now and plus I know your horny and that's why you called.

Well actually asshole I called cause your daughter wanted to talk to you.

I put my phone down and went upstairs to check on my one year old tyrik who was playing with his trucks so I left him alone.

Keith has been gone for a couple months for a show he has coming out and times have been stressful without him but tomorrow Christmas and he said he's not coming home and I haven't told the kids yet.


"Yes rumi?" I said sitting up in bed as she came and sat beside me.

"Does daddy love me and tyrik?"

"Honey I know daddy hasn't been home and hasn't talked to us in a while but I promise you he loves you and not a day goes by where he hasn't thought about y'all."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes baby."

She smiled and kissed my cheek and left out while I told keith to call me now and soon his caller id popped up.

"What's wrong?"

"Keith your daughter is wondering do you love her and her brother since you haven't been home and Keith to be honest I'm wondering do you even love me."

"Look y/n I love you and the kids but I need to pay bills to keep a house over our head and stuff."

"Well you won't need to pay them if me and the kids leave you." I said as I hung up.

I went into rumi room to see her sleep on her bean bag chair so I picked her up and laid her in her bed and pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead and left out her room closing the door and went into tyrik room.

"Mommy look." He said pointing at our dog Miley who was laying down.

" I see but it's time for bed buddy."

"Okay but potty?"

"Yeah go potty while I get your room straight."

I got his room a little cleaned up and when he got back in I put him in bed and gave him a kiss and left out closing the door.

I went to lay down for a while.

When I woke up Miley was barking which means someone was at our house which scared me and soon rumi came in.

"Mommy come downstairs fast."

I quickly slid on my slippers and went downstairs to see a black Santa and Keith and algee in the kitchen.

"Ho ho ho merry Christmas mama y/n." I knew that voice well and it was woody.

I watched as rumi and tyrik opened their Christmas gifts till I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around seeing keith had a present in his hand.

I opened it to see it was the necklace and purse I've been begging for a while for Keith to buy me.

"Thank you baby." I said pecking his lips as he smiled at me.

"Well here's yours."

I handed him a box and he opened it.

His mouth dropped open and he looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Are you for real your pregnant?"


I smiled as he picked me up and spun me and put my back down and kissed me passionately.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I also had gave him a chain he wanted and we watched the kids open up the rest of their gifts for a while.

That night

I crawled into bed right beside keith as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry for how I've been gone and how I've been treating y'all."

"It's a okay keith you just need a schedule that's all."

He pecked my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you also."

" I can't believe we are gonna have some more little feet In the house."

"Me either."

"So how did you get woody to be Santa?"

"Well since he loves the kids he offered to do it."

"Well that's nice of him."

We heard feet running in our room and saw it was tyrik and rumi and Miley as they all got in our bed and got comfy while looking at tv.

"I'm glad your home daddy." Rumi said as Keith kissed her forehead.

"Me too."

I looked to see that tyrik was sleep on keith chest which made me smile.

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Sorry for not updating yesterday had a lot going on.

Rip to juice wrld❤️🕊

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