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Y/n pov:

I sighed looking up at the ceiling as I hear foot steps coming to my cell.

"Come in inmate your free." The guard said as I smiled at him and got out of the bonk.

I smiled as he took the cuffs off my hands and walked me to where I need to be at.

Once I walked outside and saw the world I smiled knowing I was finally free again I was locked up for 2 years over some lame ass nigga but it's okay.

I saw my moms car and smiled seeing her waiting there with my three year old Sofia.

I ran over to them taking my little girl as my mom smiled at me.

"I missed you Sofia." I said kissing her all over her face as she laughed me making me smile at her.

"I missed you also mommy." She said making me cry since I haven't seen her in Over 5 months.

Once I buckled her up I got in the front and smiled at my mom since she has been my rock through this whole situation.

"I love you mama." I said and she smiled kissing my cheek as she pulled off.

Once we got home I smiled knowing I finally get to sleep in a actual bed and got Sofia out and went inside.

"Well imma bout to start cooking dinner since I know you want I nice cook meal." My mom said.

"I do I haven't had one in ages it feel like." I said hearing the door bell.

"I'll go get that." I said walking to the door and opened it to see my baby daddy making me roll my eyes.

I walked outside with hm and closed the door behind me looking at him.

"What do you want?" I asked him looking at him in his face as he smiled.

" I want you I want my family back." He said about to hug me.

"You haven't seen your daughter the whole time I was locked up first of all and secondly I'm more mature then I was and have learned my lesson." I said as he looked at me weird.

"Woody all those years we were together was toxic and you cheated on me multiple times but I said no he loves me to much to do that but clearly I was wrong all those times it was to the point where i lost all my damn friends cause of you and almost lost the support from my family so what I'm saying is I don't want the man who let me go to jail and didn't even try to help me that night." I said slapping him and walking inside the house seeing my mom smile at me.

"So you are finally over that boy." She said making me playfully roll my eyes.

"Yes I'm finally over him mama and I've learned a lot while I was in jail and well mama I made a friend in there also." I said as she raised her eyebrow.

"It's not a women mama it's actually one of the guards." I said smiling about him.

"Was he the one that walked you out?" She asked me making me smile.

" he is and his name is keith powers and mama he is really nice and was the only person I talked to while I was in there." I said making her smile.

"Well as long as your actually happy this time I'm happy for you." My mom said while I gave her a hug.

I went into the living room seeing Sofia playing with her dolls and decided to join her.

"Mommy are you home for good now?" She asked me.

"Yes baby I am and I promise I will never leave you for that long ever again." I told her as she smiled.

"I missed you mommy." She said while hugging me making me cry a little bit.

" I missed you also babygirl." I said while rubbing her back as she gave me a kiss.

Once we ate dinner we went into the living room to look at a movie till it was another knock at the door.

I got up and opened the door to see Keith standing there with some roses and a card.

"Aww who is this for?" I asked him as he smiled me.

"Well the roses are for you and the card is for your mom." He said making me raise my eyebrow at him.

"How did you know where I lived anyway?" I asked me as he scratched his neck making me laugh.

"I got If off the computer actually and well I was also wondering could I possibly take you on a date sometime this weekend?" He asked me.

"You could actually and here's my number." I said giving to him as he smiled.

"We'll be safe out here and I don't wanna see you behind bars again." He said making me smile.

"You won't." I promise I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek as he blushed a little bit.

"Well see you this weekend." He said smiling at me.

"Yup." I said as he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Once he pulled off I went Inside and handed my mom the card as she smiled opening the thing.

"Your daughter is really a really nice women and very beautiful and I see where she gets the look from but I hope you won't mind me borrowing your daughter Saturday and she also has a smart mouth sometimes." My mom said reading the note and laughing at that part but I didn't find it funny.

"Aww he's a real gentleman." She said as I smiled at her.

Maybe this is the man for me

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Idea from MaylahReed

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