A Rose by any name

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You were walking through the streets of Vale after having a couple of drinks at a nearby pub as you were walking you soon hear an explosion just around the corner and run quickly to see what happened before seeing a girl dressed in a red cloak fighting a man with a white hat. As you move closer you soon see the mans face and remember him from a most wanted advert it was Roman Torchwick but you don't know the girl who is fight but you see she is using a scythe before seeing Roman begin to escape as she runs after him and you do the same before noticing Roman dropped an explosive as you jump in front of the girl and cover her as it explodes and Roman escapes.

As the smoke clears the girl you shielded from the blast looks up at you before you move back before helping her to her feet as she removed her hood and you see her face she had black hair with a little bit of red at the end and silver eyes before she speaks. "Um thank you for protecting me" the girl said as you rub the back of your neck and smile before looking at her.

"No problem I'm just glad your ok miss.... um sorry I never got your name did I haha" you say with a small laugh of nervousness which made her chuckle. "It's Ruby Rose but please call me Ruby" Ruby said as you smile before shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet Ruby my nam is (FN) (LN) but call me (FN) and something tells me we are in trouble" you say before Ruby turns round to see a tall woman with blonde hair and a wanda standing staring at them before walking over to them. "You both have a lot of explaining to do" the woman said before a man with green hair and glasses walks over to them.

"It's alright miss Goodwitch after all we only want to talk to them" the man said as Goodwitch steps down before you and Ruby go and sit with the man to talk. "Hello my name is professor Ozpin and I am the headmaster of Beacon Academy" Ozpin says as Ruby gulps and you go wide eyes.

"Did you just say Beacon the top academy in Vale for huntsmen and huntress" you says as he nods before look at you and Ruby. "So tell me what happened here" Ozpin says as Ruby looks at him and speaks.

"I caught Roman Torchwick robbing a dust store and was in the middle of capturing him" Ruby tells Ozpin before he looks at you. "I was on my way home after having a few drinks at the pub just down the road when I heard and explosion and ran to check it out" you said as Ozpin nods and then looks at Ruby.

"Roman began to run and I chased after him but he was able to escape but (FN) protected me from an explosion" Ruby told Ozpin before he looks at you and sees your back is burned before smiling. "Thank you both for the information and if I can make you an offer how would you both like to come and train at Beacon to become huntsmen and huntress" Ozpin said as you fall back on your chair and land on your back.

"Hold on Ruby I can understand since she is probably a great fighter but why me" you asked as Ozpin smiled at you question. "Because you showed quick decision making and the will to put miss Rose's life above your own so what do you say" Ozpin explained as you look at Ruby before the both of you agree to study at Beacon before going your separate ways.

As you made it home and walk through the door you turn a light on and sit in your living room before grabbing a photo of a woman with brown hair and man with blonde hair before smiling at it. "I've come along way haven't I mom, dad" you said before placing the picture on the table and head off to bed.

The next day

You wake up bright and early and pack your things before heading off for the airship that was taking the new student to Beacon as you walk with a smile on your face before head inside the air ship you see lots of new students one was a girl with white hair in a white dress and a scare on her left eye, second was a girl with black hair sitting on the floor reading a book with a bow in her hair, another was a guy who was throwing up from just being on the ship and finally you see Ruby talking to a girl with yellow hair before finding a space and sitting down as the airship takes off heading for Beacon. While your on your way to Beacon you pull out an MP (Music Pod) and begin listening to god's gonna cut you down by Johnny Cash all while looking out at Vale as your flying to Beacon and hopefully the start of something new.

[I really hope I'm doing you proud mom and dad] you thought not even noticing that Ruby was staring at you before she turns back to the yellow haired girl who looked really happy that Ruby was here.

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