Vol.3 Dean vs (FN)

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You and your team are eating your food after a tough day of training but something was different between all of you Lucy was less talkative, Elizabeth had started spending more time training and Dean was just getting stressed at his slow progress. "So what has everyone got planned for today" you asked as Lucy looks away, Elizabeth just begins heading off to train and Dean looks at you.

"Hey follow me dude" Dean said which caused Elizabeth to stop and Lucy to look at you before they followed you and Dean to the top of the mountain. "Ok what is going on" you ask before dodging an attack from Dean before backflipping back and then looking at him.

"Dude we respect you but I want to fight you" Dean said as you look at Lucy and Elizabeth before removing your training top as you bow in respect to Dean as he does the same before you both rush at each other. You go to punch Dean but he blocks before kneeing you in the face causing you to stumble back before rushing at you and punching you ribs before you block him and kick him away.

You grab your right side before rushing Dean and vanishing just before reappearing behind him and then kicking him in the air as you jump into the air before elbowing him back to the ground with aloud crash before you stand up and look at Dean on the ground before he stands up. "Lets stop Dean before we hurt each other" you say holding your hand out to him hoping to stop the fight but Dean just smacks it away.

"YOUR A COWARD NOT FIGHTING ME AT FULL POWER ARE WE SO WEAK YOU CAN'T EVEN GO ALL OUT HUH" Dean shouts as you saw the rage and pain in his eyes before you back away and get ready to fight again but this time you go what you now call grimm mode as Dean gets ready to fight with a smile on his face. Dean disappears into a shadow and you begin to look round never dropping your gaurd before he strikes your back from the shadows and then reappears.

"Come on is that really all you got after all your training" Dean said as he rushed at you going to punch you in the jaw before something strange happened your grimm mode deactivates before catching the punch in a split second which shock Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth as you look ar Dean. [What in the hell is this] Dean thought as you toss him away before walking passed him before Dean suddenly feels ten hits all at once.

[That speed I never even saw his attacks] Dean thought as he falls to the ground before you return to normal and fall as well before Lucy runs to get Tyson and Nick while Elizabeth checks on you and Dean. Tyson and Nick arrive quickly with Lucy and check Dean and you Dean was just ok just knocked out but you were in bad shape torn muscles and strong heat coming from your body as Tyson carries you to your room as Nick takes Dean to the rest area in the cave.

3 hours later

Dean begins to wake up before going to sit up only to wince in pain as he holds his ribs before seeing bandages around them as he get out of bed and begins looking around before seeing Lucy walk out of your room with a bucket and towel. "Lucy is (FN) ok" Dean said as Lucy looked at soon rushed over to him and hugs him tight before splitting apart.

"(FN) is well ok and not ok after your fight he collapsed and keeps a high fever but he is fine" Lucy explains as Dean walks with her back to your room before seeing you panting and sweating. "Dean it's good to see you awake" Tyson said as he walks over to them while check on you.

"What is wrong with him" Dean asked as Tyson sits next to your bed with Elizabeth before explaining. "It's hard to explain but (FN) is in the middle of a transform you saw it didn't you Dean his speed and reaction time" Tyson asked as Dean nods before Elizabeth wipes the sweat off your head.

"That is something that no one else can achieve as (FN) is more than human and grimm once he wakes up I will need to tell him about them" Tyson said as Dean, Elizabeth and Lucy look at him. "Tell him about who" Elizabeth asked as Tyson smiled before looking at you again.

"His parents" Tyson says shocking them as Dean begins to talk. "Ok who are you to (FN)" Dean asked as Lucy and Elizabeth look at Tyson.

"I can't say much but what I can say is I'm his uncle" Tyson said as the three of them were shocked at his answer before he leaves them all with many question but stops a second. "When he wakes up I want all of you to come and hear about his parent as he will need your support" Tyson tells them before continuing to walk away.

"You sure that was wise telling them your his uncle" Nick said leaning against the wall. "He is ready after all his power is finally about to emerge so he has the right" Tyson said as Nick walks next to him.

"I still can't believe he is awakening his powers so soon maybe too soon it could kill him" Nick said before seeing a smile on Tyson's face. "He won't die he is a fighter no I believe the reason is because of Salem and maybe even that Ruby girl" Tyson said as Nick thought about it before smiling.

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