Vol.2 The fall

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You and your team sit waiting for the teachers to inform you about the tournament before Ozpin enters the room. "Mr (LN) the teachers have decided to remove you from the tournament I am sorry" Ozpin says as he turns and walks out while your team looks at you.

"So what now" Lucy asked as you look at them before standing up and grab your things from the locker. "Well you 3 will fight in the rest of the tournament as for me have a walk" you tell them before you exit the room leaving your team in silence.

As your walking round you see people staring at you before some of them stand in your way. "We saw you out there can't believe they let a freak into this school" one of them says as you just walk past them before they grab you and throw you into the ground they were about to start kicking you before some people push them off and help you up.

"Thanks" you say to them as the first group begins to leave and you pick up your stuff. "You have some real restraint" one of them said as you smile.

"Yeah after all if I fight back I would just be showing them a monster and that's not me" you say before walking away. After a couple of hours you find a nice shady spot and go lay down on the gass an take a quick nap wind blowing through your hair making you feel relaxed before hearing screams coming from the arena as you sit up you see Elizabeth running towards you.

"Elizabeth what happened" you asked as you and her begin running back to the arena. "Me and Dean won our match so Dean was going to fight the final match but for some reason Yang attacked her opponent after the match" Elizabeth said as you look confused before stopping as a voice came over the intercom.

"People of Vale look round you does Beacon make you feel safe after what you have seen a student killed another student, another attacks her opponent after the battle is done and most of all they allowed a student who is half grimm into the school and who is to blame Ozpin" the female voice said as she finished and turned off the intercoms before you look up and see a Nevermore trying to break through the sheild.

"Elizabeth get Dean and Lucy get the people out of here I'll take care of that Nevermore" you say before taking a huge jump into air before passing through the sheild before going full grimm and begin running at the Nevermore. Meanwhile all the other students began fighting grimm that were invading Beacon before you come crashing to the ground shirt torn as you see look round before seeing white fang members join the fight.

You quickly begin to take out as mean as possible before hearing a screech and look to see a dragon like grimm at the top of Beacon tower as a bright white light shines blinding you but as you regain your sight you Yang and Blake on the ground before rushing over to them before kicking a faunus with red hair away from them. "Yang, Blake you two ok" you say before seeing Yang's right arm was cut off as you look over at the faunus you kicked and rush at him Blake tries to stop you only to fail as you pull out your weapon in sword mode and clash swords with him.

"Who are you and why did you attack" you asked him as he soon begins to push back but you mange to keep blocking him. "My name is Adam as for the attack it's the humans punishment for the faunus injustice" Adam said as he pushed you away before rushing at you again but you block his attack before spinning round him and swinging at his back but he blocks.

"SHE TOLD ME YOUR NOT ALL HUMAN SO WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT HUMANS DESERVE TO DIE" Adam shouts as he keeps attacking. "NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY ADAM NOTHING JUSTIFIES KILLING ALL THIS IS YOUR BLINDNESS" you shout as you parry Adam's attack before slashing your sword down but he managed to evade your attack but you still manage to cut him before he looks at you and your eyes glow red.

"In that case your against us but I can easily deal with you" Adam said before rushing past you and heading straight for Yang and Blake. Adam goes to slash them as Blake holds Yang tight preparing but it never came as she opens her eyes Blake saw you standing in between them and Adam before blood come gushing from the cut on your chest as you fall to your knees still protect them as Blake looks and sees you sword is broke.

Adam was about to finish her off before smiling as he begins to leave as the tip of your sword hits the ground before you look down and pick Yang up while Blake helps with support. As the tension dies down Ruby comes running to find her sister on the gound missing an arm while you stand against a transport ship and watch as Ruby kneels next to her as Dean, Lucy and Elizbeth walk over to you.

"You ok" Dean asked as you stay silent before walking inside the ship as they follow you before watching you punch the wall which Ruby, Blake and Weiss heard. "It's all my fault if I had got to them sooner Yang would still have both arms, Pyrrha would still be alive and Ruby wouldn't be crying" you say as they look at each other before walking over to you.

"Hey you can't blame yourself when everyone was in panic you went into action to protect everyone no one can do more than they can" Dean said before everyone begins to board the ship as you were all being sent home to recover Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth were going to stay with you.

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