Song of a Rose

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You were sleeping before the image of you and Ruby kissing pops into your head causing you to wake up with a blush on your face before getting out of bed and going for a walk. After a few minutes you come to a door that leads to a balcony which was perfect under the pale moon light.

As you step to the edge of the balcony and look at the moon and stars you begin thinking about Ruby and how she made you feel before sighing as you lean on the balcony. "Why am I thinking like this Ruby probably doesn't even like me like that but still she sets my heart a light" you said before stopping and thinking as you thought up a song.

Your song (Original)

I was alone before you came a long
Shining like a star in the dark night sky
Oh you make me want to believe, to be seen
But most importantly of all you make me feel love

So I'll keep running for you to reach the stars so I can tell you
That I
Love you with all my heart, I find you dazzling like a gem
You put my heart in a cage and threw away the key and keep a hold of me

Red cloak, silver eyes and a smile that lights my heart like a fire
Burning in the dark leading me back to you

My red Ruby, oh my sweet Rose

You must be a witch because you cast a spell on me
Making me love you and need you but never being able to reach you
I keep running but can never reach
your my fire that leads me to the same answer that you are

My red Ruby, oh my sweet Rose
Oh my red Ruby, oh my sweet Rose

After so long I can finally see the dream before me and it
Leads me to you

My red Ruby, oh my sweet Rose
Oh my red Ruby, oh my sweet Rose

I love the way you shine but will never be
As a monster will always lose and the hero saves the your heart
But I will change my story the monster will win, the monster will get love
The monster will no longer stand back he will fight for the right because of

My red Ruby, oh my sweet Rose
Oh my red Ruby, oh my sweet Rose

Your song ends

As you finished singing you begin to walk back inside not noticing a certain girl on the balcony just below you as she holds her heart. "(FN)" Ruby said as she walked back to her dorm room still thinking about the song you had just sang but what really had her thinking was not that you were a good singer but that the song was about her before she walks into her dorm room.

A few hours later you wake up to find your team is gone before you get dressed and begin walking towards the dining room to get some breakfast but on arrival you look to see your team and Ruby's team sitting together but as you got closer Yang stood up before turning and seeing you.

"Hey (FN) saved you a seat" Yang said as she taps the seat next to her and you begin to sit down before looking at Ruby with a smile which caused her to blush and turn her head away which Lucy noticed. "Ruby you ok when (FN) sat with us you got red like a tomato" Lucy said as Ruby gulps before going even redder which made everyone look at her.

"Tell me did something happen between you and (FN) last night while we were all asleep" Lucy says before Ruby covers her head with her cloak which made Lucy laugh before Dean and Elizabeth look at you as you were confused but you soon notice Elizabeth had a scared look as you look next to you as Yang jumps on you and begins to choke you. "Y...Yang {cough} c...can't {cough} breath" you says as Weiss, Blake, Elizabeth and Dean try to pull her off of you but to no success as Jaune, Nora, Ren and Pyyrha rush over to help before finally managing to separate you and Yang before Ruby and Lucy rush to your side as you gasp for air.

"Yang stop calm down" Blake said as they struggle to hold her back as you sit up and look at her. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER" Yang shouts as Ruby looked at you before you begin to stand up and walk away.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING" Yang shouts as Ruby wonders if this has made you go back to the way you were before alone as she stands up. "Stop (FN) didn't do anything to me I was just thinking about something that is making me confused" Ruby said as you stop and look back as Yang calms down.

"Ruby what are you talking about" Yang asked as you see Ruby look at you as you understood what Ruby was about to say. "I heard (FN) singing a song about me last night" Ruby said with a blush on her face before everyone looks at you and Yang walks to you.

"(FN) I'm sorry" Yang says as you smile and turn to look at her which made her confused before you place a hand on her shoulder. "No need to apologise Yang if anything it warms my heart to know that Ruby will always have someone to protect her and if I had a sister I would want her to be just like you" you tell her as everyone smiles but Yang gets tears in her eyes and hugs you tight.

"If I had a brother I would want him to be like you" Yang said as Ruby walks over and hugs you as well before you hug them back. After a few minutes the three of you separate and begin to talk about you singing as you sang the song which made them laugh as you didn't seem like the type to sing before you all begin walking to classes with a friendship that is even stronger.

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