Vol.4 Dreams of the future

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You begin to wake up before remembering what happened last night as you feel Ruby hold your hand in her sleep before smiling. As you got out of bed carefully as to not wake her you use the bathroom to wash up before changing into your clothes which you dried last night and soon walk out the room to the front desk to order some food.

After a couple of minutes you get the breakfast for you and Ruby and take it up to the room where Ruby was just waking up as you walk in. "Morning Rosebud" say as you set the food on the table before Ruby jumps on your back and you puller so she is in front of you before kissing her.

"Go freshen up while I set the table" you tell her as she walked into the bathroom while you set things up for breakfast before seeing Ruby come out and sit with you. While you both were eating you notice Ruby is lost in thought before you speak.

"Something on your mind" you asked her in a gentle tone as she looked at you. "I was just thinking how are we going to explain what happened last night" Ruby said as the thought popped into your mind before you begin to go pale like you saw a ghost.

"I just thought when we tell Yang she will kill me" you say as Ruby holds your hand before you both finish your breakfast and leave the inn and head back to the academy.
After a long walk beck you both reach the academy only to be met by the gang before you both smile as they all walk over to you.

"I see you managed to change his mind" Dean said as he looked at Ruby before Blake began to smell something. "Ruby you smell strange I can't put my finger on it" Blake says as Ruby and you burst into a huge blush as Lucy put two and two together.

"OH MY GOD YOU TWO HAD SEX LAST NIGHT" Lucy screamed out of joy as you look at Yang who didn't look happy before you try to run but she grabs you by the collar. "Your not going anywhere because..." Yang said as you worried about what she was about to say only for her to hug you.

"This makes me happy" Yang said shock you and Ruby as she pulled you both together before you begin talking and soon have fun just like before but you still had something to do before a battle with Salem starts as you pull Ruby aside to talk. "(FN) what's wrong" Ruby asked out of confusion at your sudden action as you look out at the horizon.

"Ruby for a long time I have been holding something back and everytime I try to tell you it just gets harder and harder but if we are going to fight Salem I want to have no regret because without you my future is cold and dark" you say before turning to face Ruby with a smile as you grab a box out of your pocket and kneel down on a single knee as she gasps. "Ruby Rose please would you do me the honour of becoming Ruby (LN) will you marry" you asked as tears flow down Ruby's face before she removed her hands from her face.

"Yes I will" Ruby said as you place the ring on her finger before standing up and kissing her with even more passion than before until you both rejoin the gang as they noticed Ruby and you smiling. "Hey what's got you so happy" Yang asked as Ruby showed her hand as everyone went wide eyed before bursting into cheers.

"OH MY GOD THIS MAKES YOU MY BROTHER-IN-LAW" Yang screams as she hugged you tight as you nod as you all go to celebrate. "So dude what does this mean for you and Ruby" Dean asked as you smiled while having a beer with Dean, Ren, Jaune and Oscar.

"Well it means I have something to live for" you say as a smile breaks out on your face while you drink with the guys. "Ruby this is a big deal" Yang said as Ruby was Weiss, Blake, Lucy, Nora and Elizabeth before she smiles.

"I know but he makes me feel something deep inside it's like he's a spark to my fire" Ruby said as she looked at your direction from her table. "(FN) is a good man Ruby not many people have his will to put others before themselves" Blake said as Ruby remembers the night you and her met.

Ruby P.O.V Flashback

I was in a small dust store before a man came in and began robbing the place before I began fighting back and soon the thugs were all crashing through the shop window. "I got to saw red your bad for business" Roman said before running away as I chased after him only for him to drop a dust explosive and get away.

As the smoke cleared I found myself unharmed and soon I see a man with (HC) and (EC) protecting me from the explosion before he helped me to my feet.

Ruby P.O.V Flashback ends

The memory of that day made Ruby smile with such bliss before you look her way and smile the same as the celebration went on through the day until you and Ruby begin walking back with the others. "Ruby our journey together was not easy but I wouldn't change a thing but now we can move forward together" you said as Ruby smiled as she hooked your arm.

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