New Goals

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The next morning you wake up to the smell of something burning before jumping out of bed and running down stairs to find Ruby cooking breakfast before leaning against the wall with a smile on your face. "Tell me you trying to cook or burn my house down" you say in a jokey tone startling Ruby as she drops a mug and it shatters on the cold floor.

"(F...FN) y...your a wake" Ruby says as she keeps her face turned away from you before you walk over to her and begin cleaning the shattered mug up from the floor. "You know I could just help you cook breakfast but we don't have time for that as your going back to Beacon today" you said as you stand up and throw the broken mug in the bin and head back up stairs to shower and change.

After a few minutes you come down dressed in black jeans, white top with a black leather jacket and red trainers which made Ruby blush as you looked at her and she grabs her cloak and leave to find her team. As you walk through the town Ruby sees how nice you are to people but still sees a fake smile on your face before they arrive at the inn Ruby and your former team were staying at as they came out and see you with Ruby as Lucy jumps on you and hugs you tight before you back away.

"Ok Ruby is back so you can all go home because I'm not going" you tell as Dean moves towards you before standing face to face. "Yes you are" Dean said as you look at him before going to walk away only for him to grab your arm and stop you.

"You want me to go back to Beacon why just so I can hurt someone else maybe I'll hurt Ruby next after all that's what monsters do right we hurt people and enjoy it" you say before everyone sees Ruby run to you and slap you hard on the face as Dean lets go and backs away before you look and see Ruby with tears in her eyes as you rub your cheek. "Don't ever call yourself a monster you are my friend and your their leader so we will not go back with out you" Ruby said as you lose the fake smile and were about to speak before hearing screams coming from the market as the five of you run to check it out.

As you arrive you see three Beowolves and two Ursa destroying the market before you look at the peopl trapped between them. "Ruby, Lucy, Elizabeth you three get those people out of here me and Dean will hold the grimm at bay" you say as they nod before you and Dean grab your weapons you with your sword and Dean with his pistols as you both rush at the grimm.

Dean stays behind you while shooting at the Beowolfs legs before you cut them in half and you manage to deal with the Beowolves but soon find trouble when the Ursa charge at you and Dean before they knock you both to the ground as you notice Ruby helping the people which soon caught the Ursa's attention. "Dean get up" you say before seeing Dean holding his left knee and soon notice the Ursa moving closer to Ruby and you soon look at the people and then back at Ruby as your eyes change to black and Red as the Ursa were about to strike you rush in front of them and stop their attack.

Ruby watched as you held the Ursa in place before you start to pull it's arms and soon they break of as grimm blood splatters on your face and soon you remove your jacket punch the Ursa in the face destroying it's face as you turn to the last Ursa and walk towards it while removing the bandages on your arms before Ruby's eyes widen as your arms beome exposed and she sees how your arms were turn like a grimm's. "No matter how much I try something always makes me hate myself day by day but I refuse to let you hurt MY FRIENDS" you shout the last part and you punched the Ursa into the air and collect lightning in your hands before shooting it at the Ursa making it explode before you hear the people talking as does Ruby how they called you "one of them" and "moster" before she walks over to you and takes hold of your hand and drags you away as Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth follow.

You all soon stop and Ruby begins to clean the blood off your face before you hold her hand and move away from them. "Now you see no matter where I go nothing will change how people see me" you say as Dean and the others watch Ruby walk over to you and soon hooks your arm leaning her head on your shoulder which made you look at her.

"Please come back to Beacon your team needs you and so do I after all I love you" Ruby said as you begin to blush before feeling tears fall down your face and soon find yourself hugging Ruby with a smile on your face. After a few minute you let go of Ruby and smile as you look at your team and sigh while wiping the tears away.

"Ok I'll come back on one condition Ruby Rose you have to go on a date with this idiot" you say while pointing at your self as Ruby nods with a smile and the others join you for a hug as you were coming home. After splitting up you and Ruby head back to your house as you grab you stuff but before you leave you take your Shade outfit and burn it before you and Ruby walk to the transportship as you were leaving you see a large group of people with smiles on their face and waving you goodbye.

[Mybe things can change in time] you thought as you feel Ruby hold your hand and you both smile as you all head for Beacon.

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