Vol.5 Battle of worlds (Final)

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Your sitting in front of Salem playing a game in which the winner gets the final relic and your both down to a single cube each.

"Ok Salem your move" you tell her as you watch her pick up her last cube your side currently had Jaune, Ruby and Yang while Salem side had two Beowolfs and a Nevermore as she rolled her cube it lands on three swords. "Well it looks like your abut to lose" Salem said as her grimm attack your pieces Jaune gets cut down with Yang before you smile.

"I don't believe so after all Jaune is more of a heal and as such when he is defeated he can prevent one of my pieces from harm" you say as Salem chuckles. "Maybe but I still have three to your one" Salem says as you pick up your last red cube and give it a roll before seeing it land on three swords.

Your Ruby piece attacks and destroys Salem's pieces before the board disappears and the floor split as you and Salem are pulled apart by the floor before watching a case rise between the both of you. "(FN) is that" Dean asked as you begin walking towards the case.

"So this is the core it's smaller than I thought" you say as the core floats into your hand before you begin walking back to your friends until one of Salem's people attacks causing you to drop the core only for it to roll over to Salem. "Good work Tyrian and (FN) thank you too after all only a god can take the core from it's case" Salem says as you stand up before Salem blast you over the edge causing you to fall into the dark abyss as Ruby tries to reach for you but fails.

Yang watch as Ruby broke out in tears before seeing her little sister look at Salem full of anger before rush at Salem swinging her scythe. Meanwhile at the bottom of the abyss your body lays lifeless and cold.

In your mind

"Where am I" you asked before a huge white figure appears and then a huge black figure appears. "So your the new god I must say your not that impressive" the black figure said as you look at them a little closer.

"Your the gods of creation and destruction" you say as the figures nod. "Please you need to help me defeat Salem she has the core" you tell them before they shrink down to your height.

"We will not Salem has been punished for her actions this will not change our minds humans have been nothing but trouble since the start" the god of creation says as you look at them with anger. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT I HAVE PEOPLE TO PROTECT AND IF YOUR NOT GOING TO HELP THEN I WILL JUST CHANGE EVERYTHING" you say before walking away only for them to stop you.

"Your life is in the balance at the moment even you know your life will end once this day is done" the god of destruction says as you keep looking forward. "Maybe but I get it now you gods destroyed the humans long ago out of fear of death but being born human I don't fear death maybe I am better than you both" you tell them before disappearing into a burst of light.

Outside your mind

You begin to wake up before looking up to hear the sounds of fighting before you activate god mode and begin to fly up  to put an end to this fighting once and for all. Meanwhile Ruby and the others are holding Salem at bay hoping to stop her in your place before Salem shoot a powerful blast of magic at Ruby only for it to be blocked before they all look and see you with your glowing blue hair.

"Salem I am about to do something that should of been done long ago" you tell her before you hold a hand towards her and soon everyone watched as Salem returned to her human form but she also aged into dust. "Salem is gone" Yang said as everyone looked at you before you fall to a knee and begin to pant as your god mode flashed on and off before you grab the core and destroy it before smiling.

"Listen up everyone because this will be the last thing I can ever say we have all had an amazing journey but this is the journeys end never forget where you started and how far you have all come and Ruby I love you so much goodbye" you tell them as your body disappeas into blue dust as Ruby falls to her knees and cries as everyone stood in silence before heading back to the surface to inform the others about what had happened.

10 years later

It had been ten years since the what became known as the battle of worlds which had only one loss Ironwood stepped down as the leader of the military and Atlas academy, Yang stays at home with her father taking care of Ruby who was taking care of her child, Weiss took over the Schnee dust company and began to change it so the faunus were treated with respect, Black began leading the white fang to help put things right, Jaune helps teach at Beacon in the hopes of helping people like Pyrrha did for him, Ren and Nora got married and are currently rebuilding their village finally Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth are work with the grimm from the cave by your village to help move forward.

Many people call it luck other call it fate but they are wrong it's not luck or fate what this is change being able to grow and improve is they strongest thing anyone can do so if your set on a single path your never going to grow so push your limits and break them after all you control where your life goes.


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