Vol.5 Battle of worlds (Part 3)

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You stand with your army facing Salem before the war begins. While your allies fight off the grimm you keep your eyes focused on Salemas you begin walking towards her passing through the fighting like it was air.

Salem watched as you step up to her and soon begins smiling. "Why would you defend this world hasn't caused you pain filled your life with hate" Salem asked before you throw a punch but she vanished before reappearing behind you.

"I protect this world because of the people I've met and not you or anyone is going to stop me" you say before Salem is sent flying as you turn to face her and see her fly into the air. You soon begin to fly as well and soon you both disappear in the clouds above.

Your forces below couldn't see anything before seeing bright flashes of blue and then red in the clouds which told them you were in a battle.

In the sky

You and Salem are fighting with very little effort your shooting lightning and fire at Salem which she block and counters but you dodge every attack. "Salem why are you doing all this" you asked as she became enraged before appearing in front of you and blasts you back.

"I do this because the world needs to be fixed humans are nothing and yet they think it's with in their right to go against me and so I will use the relics to open the gate of the gods and claim the fifth relic" Salem says as you look at her surprised before rushing her and punching her back. "How do you know about the core" you asked as Salem smiled before sending a blast of energy at you before you deflect it with easy.

"Oh easy after I got this relic it showed me information on the core but your going to give me the other relic or they will die" Salem said before head to the ground as you follow you see Salem create something before you feel the gravity increase before looking at Ruby and the gang as Salem begins walking towards the airship. "Salem stop" you say almost unable to stand as she grabs the relics and walks past you.

"(FN) we need to stop her" Dean says as you shock yourself and soon stand up. "Everyone this is going to hurt a little" you tell them before dropping a bolt of lightning on them allowing them to move freely before running off after Salem as Ruby and the gang did the same.

"Where did she go" you say looking round at a empty land with no sign of Salem. "Salem has to be here" Lucy said as you place a hand on the ground.

"Salem is right below us everyone hang on" you tell them as you punch the ground causing it to shatter and you all fall down a deep hole. A couple feet later you and the others land on a hard floor before seeing a small tunnel and begin following it but as you were walking Ruby noticed you were sweating a lot.

"(FN) are you ok" Ruby asked as you stopped and she felt your forehead only to find you have a high fever. "(FN) you need to rest you have a high fever" Ruby said as you were barely standing as you continue walking as the others watch you struggle until you all reach a large room.

"What is this place" Weiss asked as you keep looking forward and see a table and chairs in the center before moving closer while holding your side as Salem came walking from the other side. Ruby and the others couldn't seem to move before you sit down at the table with Salem as she smiled.

"I must say you look terrible" Salem said with a mocking tone as you look at her. "Enough games Salem where are the relics" you asked her before hearing a light chuckle.

"They are right here after all the gods made this place and it seems we have to play a game" Salem tells you as you look at the table and see cubes with a number of stars on them going from one to six. "It would seem we have to play and only the win may claim the prize so do you agree" Salem asked as you nod before grabbing a cube and toss it Salem's cube lands on three stars and reveals a Beowolf yours land on a two stars and reveals Nora which shocked you before looking back to see she was still there.

"Don't worry nothing in this game is real" Salem said as you look and see she was right it was just a hologram before the game continues. "Ok Salem you get first move" you say as she rolls a red cube and it land on three arrows.

"My Beowolf gets to move three squares towards you" Salem said as it moves forward. [I see so black cubes are for characters, red cubes move but what does the blue do] you thought before rolling a red cube and it lands on two arrows before Nore moves two squares and is now six squares away from the Beowolf as feel the blood slip through your fingers.

[Crap I can barely move with this wound but my god energy is slowly clearing but I feel like I'm about to pass out] you thought as Salem rolls a blue cube which lands on two swords as the Beowolf attacks Nora. You quickly roll a blue cube and see it land on three sheilds as Nora blocks the attacks twice as the game continues.

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